kLEROYs's blog

A new start - Planning a new layout

I haven't had an update in a long time. It is a combination of me not keeping up with the updates and not really having much to update. Probably more of the latter. I was having a real motivation issue because I was never really happy with how well trains ran on my layout. It was a combination of poor track work and electrical issues. Additionally, my little corner of the basement got taken over as a spare bedroom of sorts. As I final death nail, I got a new job in Savannah, GA. The layout, which was always going to be a chainsaw, got salvaged and put in the trash.

B&B - An overdue update.

About a month ago my family went to see some friends out of state which left me with a good week to be able to make some good progress.  Since then I have been consistently working towards getting trains running.  The following will be a brief description of what I have done:



A Beginner's Beginnings - The B&B Industry


I started this journey by calling it A Beginner's Beginnings.  This has led me to to shorten the name to The B&B Railroad. With this in mind, I was contemplating about what would be the best industry to model.  I thought, "What starts with a b.....BEER starts with a B, and I like beer!!!!!! Hmmm, what else......BREAD, I also like bread!!!!"  This should work.

A Beginner's Beginnings - The Layout


My first layout:

HO scale 5-3-3 Inglenook shunting puzzle designed to build modeling skills.

Dimensions not shown:

4’-0” x 1’-6” Module

3’-0” x 0’-4” Extension


A Beginners Beginnings

Hello everyone,

I have made a few comments on some posts here and there, but I have been trolling the forums for almost a year.  I have been wanting to get into modeling for quite some time but have found the cost to be quite high.  So I did the first thing that most frugal (can be read as poor) folks do, I hit up Craigslist.

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