arbe's blog

New Bridge at Blue Island
A new thought on the operation of my pike has prompted another remodel. This iteration will provide for a continuous run option that I found I really missed with the Point-to-point style I had. A new main-line configuration through Blue Island and crossing of the Cal-Sag Channel, and new main-line track in Riverdale will accomplish this. For this to take place, the old cal-Sag bridge and indeed the Cal-Sag itself was remodeled.
First, some photos shown here of the old bridge:

Docks - No, not Maritime.
I was just shooting aound the layout at a number of industrial receiving and loading dock scenes.

A new tower
I needed a tower for a junction of the Brighton Park to Riverdale main with the line to West Linncott. I built this using the Atlas #701 Elevated Gate Tower kit as a starter.

A Naked Corner Fixed
I had an empty corner that didn't really add much to the layout scene. Here is what I did to fix it.

Flatbed Truck Enhancement
Here is a nice small project that I did last Sunday after noon. A flatbed truck from classic Metalworks looked pretty plain. I gave it a canvas covered top.
I used .012 music wire that I fashioned into hoops. I spaced five of these hoops along the bed. Scale 2 X 6" lumber was also used along the flatbed. For the canvas, I use a single ply of facial tissue. Man, that stuff is really thin!

Racket At Riverdale!
Chicago Yellowstone and Pacific big Baldwin center-cab DT 6-6-2000 #58 departs Riverdale north on the Riverdale Sub to Brighton Park.
Kitbashed in 1995 from Stewart AS-616 bodies on a scratched frame with Mashima motor and A-Line flywheels, #58 recently received a Loksound Select Micro sound decoder and TDS sugarcube speakers.

Last photos for 2017
Some photos taken around the CY&P Riverdale sub layout this year are presented here.
Along the SOFCO siding we see an older Kadee Boston and Maine late 50s scheme PS-1 boxcar. A couple of truck drivers are talking it up down the way.

New Rolling Stock
I recently added to my home road rolling stock. A couple 40’ Accurail gondolas were completed after being set aside for some reason and then forgotten about until I ran across them looking for something else. Intermountain wheels and Kadee Whisker couplers replace the stock items. Homeroad decals are from Bill Brillinger, fellow member here:

New siding, new industry
I layed track for a new siding in Brighton Park this week; one of the industries that will be served by this is Curren Candy Company. This structure recently has undergone a rehabilitation. I originally kit-bashed it back in the 90s from an article by the master of kit bashing, the late Art Curren, following his ideas found in his book: Kitbashing HO Model Railroad Structures, Art Curren, Kalmbach Books, 1988.
Here we see the installed structure with an WP box of sugar being spotted by ALCO S-2, 22:
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