Blane's blog
Virginian & Appalachian Railroad Paint Schemes
Hello everyone
Awhile back I shared paint schemes for my freelanced Virginian & Appalachian (V&A) railroad. However, I didn't feel satisfied with those paint schemes so I recently went back and changed them. These represent the paint schemes from as-delivered until present day (early 70s)
Wheeling & Lake Erie / Pittsburgh & West Virginia System Map
Good News Everyone!
For those of you interested in the original Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway as well as its smaller Alphabet-Route partner, the Pittsburgh & West Virginia, I've created a sort-of all-time map of both roads and their routes that existed. I've embedded the map into this post for others to see and view but am also looking for people to help make this map better and more detailed information-wise than I could make on my own.
Virginian & Appalachian Route Map 2.0
Hello Everyone,
After some time spent looking at my existing map and routings of the Virginian & Appalachian railway, I've decided to make some revisions. Some of these revisions involved adjusting existing routes to provide more accurate mileage, however, a large part of the revisions had to do with actually replacing existing routings with new ones. For example, I ended up changing the V&A main-line across the entire state of West Virginia as well as the mountain crossings through the Blue Ridge and Cumberland ranges of the Appalachians.
Virginian & Appalachian (V&A) Paint Schemes
With my railroad changing name to one that is more suitable, I've done a bit of paint scheme revision.
RBR&W Locomotive Roster
Hello again
After sharing both the route map and paint schemes of the Roanoke, Blue Ridge and Western (RBR&W) on my MRH blog, I've decided to go a step further. Attached to this post is a Microsoft Excel document containing the current locomotive roster of the RBR&W for my early 1970s era. There are no road numbers listed as I have yet to develop an appropriate numbering scheme to reflect old and new numbering practices on the RBR&W.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think.
Roanoke Blue Ridge & Western (RBR&W) Paint Schemes
Hello again MRH Community!
Due to the comments and interest about my prototype-based freelanced railroad, I've decided to do another post. This one will contain the diesel paint schemes of the railroad from the first diesels until the latest models.
Passenger Paint Scheme: Used on all RBR&W passenger units from delivery until Amtrak
Switcher Paint Scheme As-Delivered: Used on all RBR&W switchers delivered from ALCO, BLW, EMD, and FM
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