BR GP30 2300's blog

Project Organizer
Hello all,
Here is a photo of a project organizer I built towards the end of last year (2020) to help me be better organized when it comes to the many modeling projects that I have. (For some reason the projects seem to multiply)
When I get more time I'll post more photo's as a how-to on this project.
Stay tuned.

Lehigh & Hudson River RR flanger
Another project I worked on and is now old Ambroid wood kit for a Lehigh & Hudson River RR flanger.
Follow along as I build this kit from start to finish.

Coal Loads
A short post about making cheap and easy coal loads.

NMRA convention 2017 Orlando FL
This convention in my opinion was a total waste of time and money, I'll tell you why in later posts.

No-Rail layout
A few photo's of a small No-Rail layout I`m building.
A frame made of 1/2" birch plywood and 2" pink foam.
Getting a rough idea as to what goes where.
Cut the first layer of foam by using a template that I made out of masking paper.

Coal Shed
Another project in the works,
A two track coal shed that was in the December 1979 issue of Model Railroader.
I wanted to build a model of this building ever since I first read the article in the summer of 1989.

N Scale Layout
I got bored and decided to build a new N scale layout ......reusing most of what I kept over the years.
Benchwork is built by ripping a sheet of 1/2" Birch plywood into 3" wide strips....the sheet I started with was purchased from a local lumber yard that sells quality wood, not the crap that Home Depot or Lowes sells.
The strips are then cut to length for what is needed for a given part..........frames are 2' x 8' with a 1' x 2' tapered section added on 1 end.

Transfer caboose
I have been working on a home brew transfer caboose.......the kit I`m using started out as a kit from Moloco.
In this kit was an Athearn 50' flat car kit..........I decided this was too big for this transfer I`m using a Tichy 40' flat car that I had built back in 2007 but did not paint until 2008, I had yet to decal this car so it was no loss to me to soda blast the paint off of the car where I needed to glue additional parts.

Birdsboro & Reading SD40-2`s
Follow along as I build 7 HO scale SD40-2`s for my Birdsboro & Reading RR.
The raw undec. model.
Rear.......remember these two views.....they will look different later.

My Model Bench
My first blog post please bear with me.
Some pics of my model bench I built over the Christmas and New Years holiday weekends of 2014.
The first pic is of the old model workbench I had at the old my new house it now holds the computer.
Now the pics of the new model bench.
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