Juxen's blog
Photograph Colorization
I just saw a post from Tim over on the blog post labeled "The NKP Freight House Spur in Canton, OH", which I believe isn't getting enough attention and could be its own blog post, in regards to a gem found by Chris Adams, which lists colorizing B&W photos.
Prototype Shortline Switching
As I was reading the April 2019 MRH Running Extra, I noticed that one of the articles mentioned that the modern age is almost all unit trains and there's no/very few switching opportunities. As a former conductor for a short line, I'd like to give a detailed description of what a typical day is like in the modern (2011-2013) age. The area I used to work (company names omitted) was an industrial park that was about 3 miles wide (east-west) and 5 miles (north-south).
Disassembly Pictures: Bachmann Spectrum 4-8-2 Light Mountain - HO
I've got an electrical problem with a Bachmann Spectrum I picked up a while ago (I know, crazy, right?). I tested the engine and tender out on other Bachmann Spectrum engines and cars (4-8-2 to 4-4-0 tender, 4-4-0 to 4-8-2 tender), and found electrical shortages in both the tender and loco. While I was disassembling the loco, I figured I'd take pictures during the steps, so I can remember where things are when I'm rebuilding it. Hopefully these pictures will be able to assist anyone else in their rebuilds.
3D Printed Building Interiors
I've always wanted my buildings to have interiors; it adds tremendously to the realism. I've had good success using a personal 3D printer for adding interiors. One building that has been long overdue for an interior is a Lancaster Farmhouse from Walthers. It's a great representation of rural America, and I wanted to make an interior that shows off its character. I've spent the last six hours or so making models and texturing the first floor. If someone likes the progress I've made so far, I can upload this to a website like Thingiverse.
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