dtnewcomb's blog
Milwaukee Road - NW Modeler/history meet Sept. 24th & 25th
The 4th annual CRF Milwaukee Road modeler/history meet will be held on
September 24th & 25th at the Cedar River Watershed Education Facility in
North Bend, WA..
Saturday the 24th: Bring your models, any scale to display from 9:30 –
1:00. Afternoon clinics will be presented by Doug Nighswonger, Mike
Faletti, Allen Miller and others.
Sunday the 25th: Clinics by Noel Holley, Allen Miller and Greg Lussier who
will be sharing his photos from his soon to be published book on the
Milwaukee Road Modelers meet August 28th North Bend, WA
Saturday August 28th 9:00- 6:30
From 9-2, bring your models (any scale) to display.
From 2:30 – 6:30:
Modeling clinics:
Doug Nighswonger - slides of MOW equipment and models
Mike Faletti - Building bridge/structure & freight car prototypes
Milwaukee history:
Al Currier - slides
George Werkema - Billingham branch line slides
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