ceo eerielackamoneyrr's blog

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new benchwork

First attempt to post pics of new benchwork.           Gerry S.

ceo eerielackamoneyrr's picture

thanks and some progress

     First of all, I want to thank all who respnded to my query concerning DCC for their input. Again I'm impressed with the degree of civility on this site as I've had some negative experiences on other ones. There has been some progress on the construction of the "new" Eerie-Lackamoney RR. I have completed three sections of benchwork. Two along the wall shelf units (although not shelves, technically), and one unit for a 5X9 peninsula.

ceo eerielackamoneyrr's picture

DCC replies

Guess I kind of opened a can of worms, eh? Actually I appreciate all the responses and the info is mostly all good. I also am impressed with the level of civility as I have  experienced a lot less so on other forums. To add a little clarification, I am a single operator, don't have a club within less than an hour and a half drive time, no local hobby shop that carries anything but some old MRC stuff that you have to blow the dust off, and am making my first foray into DCC.

ceo eerielackamoneyrr's picture

DCC system discussion ( was: a small rant)

     Even though I order most of my HO supplies from internet suppliers, I also try to help support local hobby shops whenever I can. Unfortunately, there is only one small shop in my locality and its the kind of place that whenever I go there for an item, they never have it in stock (or at least so it seems). The owner always has it "on order" and it'll "be here on ?". I can understand not having a large inventory having spent most of my working life in a retail environment, but today was the "straw that broke the camel's back"!

ceo eerielackamoneyrr's picture

onward and upward

     Its day five of the new project and all the old track work on the Eerie/Lackamoney has been removed. I completed extending the old grainary siding into the new yard lead for my staging area. The lead is configured so that it can also be used as a passing track on the single main line.

ceo eerielackamoneyrr's picture

there's no turning back

So today was the day the old Eerie/Lackamoney had to close down. Lack of revenue finally caught up and so I started tearing out track. Fortunately, with the promise of modernization, an infusion of funds have allowed the construction of a new and much larger version of the old railroad. So fear not, the Eerie/Lackamoney lives to fight another day!

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