Hoffy's blog

Hoffy's Opinion On - The Cost of the Hobby - Model Railroading - Video
Hoffy shares his personal opinion on the cost of the model railroading hobby, and his personal experiences with buy things in the ecommerce era.
Original post can can found at http://hoffysworld.com/2015/10/hoffys-opinion-on-the-cost-of-the-hobby-model-railroading-video/

Hoffy's Workshop Episode #6 - In This Episode I share some of my Model Railroading Projects, and some other stuff
Hoffy's Workshop Episode #6 - ♫ ♫ I've Been Workin' On The LightBox? ♫ ♫
In this episode I introduce some of my current Model Railroading projects, and answer some viewer requests.

Single Track Dual Direction Model Railroad Speed Trap
In this video I present a complete demonstration of the Single Track, Dual Direction Speed Trap that was created for The Launchpad for Model Railroading Project. This project is an open source group-ware initiative for model railroading and microcontrollers.

Model Railroads & Structures Show - Episode 6
You can also listen to our show via our new podcast version that is also released usually within a day or so of the video release.
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