KilkennyRR's blog

History of the Kilkenny Railroad Part II: The Androscoggin River
Along the corridor of the Kilkenny logging railroad the Androscoggin River flows eastward. The Androscoggin River is one of the largest rivers in New England spanning over 170 miles across New Hampshire and Maine. By the mid-1800’s the Androscoggin was home of some of the world’s largest paper mills.

My Layout is Bugging Me
Yup, my layout has bugs. Little tiny bugs. I live in the North East and my layout is in the basement. I noticed that my layout has little tiny bugs (smaller than a nat) they don't seem to fly though. I found them crawling in the static grass and on the ballast. I try to keep the train room clean, dry, and well ventilated. I dispose of all cardboard and even paint the bench work (both sides) to keep exposed wood.
Any ideas about getting rid of them?

A Note to Scenery Manufacturers
A Note to Scenery Manufacturers - Please have your on-line descriptions identify items with tree nut-by product.
There are many children that are highly allergic to nut by-products. I have just found on the Woodland Scenics Ballast label - contains tree nut by-product.
Going forward, I will pay more close attention to scenery product labels.

Kilkenny Layout Room
Note: Find vintage TRAIN COLLECTORS DISEASE sign at

The Kilkenny Railroad
History behind the Kilkenny Railroad (Coos County New Hampshire):
Kilkenny is a township located in Coos County, New Hampshire. It was granted on June 4, 1774, containing over 26,911 acres in the northern section of New Hampshire.
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