
I would like to know form anyone who uses this system if they also have a DCC command station installed on the layout were they run both systems together. The reason I ask is i have read in a few places and even on Ring Engineering web site that there loco modules in a loco can be run on a DCC layout using their controller. I am currently setting up my layout with a Digitrax DB150 command station and have started to set up sections using the PM42. I would like to know if I would have any problems just running Railpro loco modules over my existing setup which from what I have read sounds like will work. Im not interested in a debate of which one is better Im just looking for some answers to my question. There was another post on here that I read through that this happened to. I have been using Digitrax for a long time and I am starting to get into JMRI at a friends house. I just happened to find out about  railpro and right now I really like what I see. If I can use what I have noe the cost will not be to much for me to switch over. I only have 3 locos with sound and a bunch dcc ready. I have not emailed Ring Engineering yet. I thought I would start here looking for some answers.






 "including RailPro

 "including RailPro (you implied as much in your original marketing post)"

      Hi Joe, I don't think you are reading what I'm writing. I clearly said I'd consider Railpro if I needed it. It's pretty funny, Benny accuses me of being pro manufacturer and you think I'm anti manufacturer when I'm really neutral  and just recommending common sense. My point is study what you need and make a decision based on that instead of manufacturer hype. It's a fundamental difference , just like marketing and engineering are separate goals.....DaveB 

joef's picture

Getting opinions from product owners

The OP started this thread to get opinions from product owners. DaveB ... just be careful you don't automatically label all pro posts as "product zealot hype" or believe you're being "middle-of-the-road" by always being the skeptic. People can be pro and not be just blowing smoke, you know.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

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