Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgrade

Version 3 is now available to download for our site. Some of the changes/fixes are:
1. Added the DCC and Sound check boxes to locomotive card.
2. Added separate Schedule section to Outlook style menu.
3. Changed font from 8 to 10 for top 2 lines of all car cards
4. Added cost field to library record.
5. Added retail name to library record.
6. Waybill window cannot be opened twice which caused a sharing error.
7. Added Show Report with only Reporting Mark and Road Number.
8. Optionally print ID number for all car cards.
9. Reformatted switch list to 4 3/4" wide.
10. Corrected caption in Rolling Stock query list.
11. Added generated copyright year.
12. Fixed Quick List button on Consignee window during resize.
13. Updated report name displayed at top left of preview window.
If you have missed any past upgrades it is NOT necessary to be concerned. The current upgrade has all of the prior changes included. Someone could have downloaded the initial beta over a year ago, then installed this upgrade without causing a problem. If you would like to see the complete history of the development of [[Program]] please click: http://easy-model-railroad-inventory.rclsoftware.com/history/history.htm
Please remember to make a data backup and a copy of your RCLTRAIN folder just in case. Also remember that the default installation is C:\RCLTRAIN. If you changed drives or folder names you must select the changed names. If not Easy Model Railroad Inventory installation will install to the default and you will think you have lost your data when it is really in a different folder and/or on a different drive. I do test these installs before the release on my own personal data.
You may download it from http://easy-model-railroad-inventory.rclsoftware.com/download/download.htm.
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