Sergent Couplers

Awhile back there was some discussion in another thread, (Rotary Dumper) about someone doing an article on Sergent Couplers.  I have been checking  Sergent Couplers out and would be interested in seeing an article.  I was wondering, is somebody putting something together for a future issue? 

I was looking at the "How They Work" section under FAQ'S.  The animated gifs demo the product quite well I thought.  Anyway, I hope we can look forward to something in MRH in the future.

After seeing how they look and function I am wondering why I never heard anything about them before?

jeffshultz's picture


At this rate, by the time the April issue comes out, everyone's going to have tried Sergent's!

Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.

Jeff Shultz - My blog index
MRH Technical Assistant

That was kinda...

what I was thinking.  I'm still looking forward to the article and promise not to try any before April.

Seagent Couplers.

Not everyone, Jeff, unless they have N-Scale versions. I doubt that they ever will. So in the meantime I'll stick with Micro-Trains.


Rio Grande Dan's picture

The stick

The only thing I don't like about the couplers is that you have to be able to reach every car to manually uncouple it with the stick and then you need to align and check every coupler with the oppisit end of the same stick before and after every operation. They do look great and if your useing a narrow shelf Railroad and can reach every train car other than that it is a pretty good coupler & you save alot of time and money with not needing under track Magnets for the hands free operation of Kadees.

Me I will stick with Kadee style couplers seeing that I have somewhere near 500 cars equiped and engines with kadees and it would cost me a small fortune to swich over.

Rio Grande Dan

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