Photo inspiration

MTM: Chester Fesmire | band of buddies
You will never know how thankfull I am for the modelers that are in my periphery. I am literally surrounded by amazing artists who are quite satisfied with their art, and less so with fame. To me, it is really humbling to see what the difference is between a wealthy modeler and one that scrapes by with only the tools he needs.
Like a cheapo camera and simple household lamps for "studio lighting"
S-2 #0604 at New Britain Station
Another great Cochrane photo, this time of an S-2 on one of the road freights at the station. As with other photos, this is a scene I will recreate on the model.

Shunting boxcars in the harbour
Shunting box cars in the harbour. This is a H0-model layout. Water effect made from toilet paper. The dock is engraved in Styrofoam.
NH I-1 #1001 at New Britain Station
I'm a bit behind here it appears. Here's another Kent Cochrane photo taken at the station. Obviously I was fortunate that two of the best New Haven enthusiast photographers (Kent and his friend Tom McNamara) were from the city I'm modeling!
NH I-2 #1324 at New Britain Station c1947
Here's a closer look at the details in another photo taken at New Britain station, with model references.
Happy Modeling!

MTM: Michael Paul Smith | Common Ground
I recognize that I am nobody. My art is created to suit me, my hobby, life. In fact one of the most, ridiculous things I ever heard was, you need to take a break from the Hobby. A hobby is often the only legal self-medicating procedure this world has. And I partake with fervor, so does my new friend.
Well I ask Michael Paul Smith to have a chat about what drives his hobby. And what do you know, we found Common Ground.
You can view more of Michaels work here at
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