Locos - Rolling stock (general)
To All:P The Chicago Heights Transfer Terminal RR was bought by the Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR in 1927. Between May. 1950 and August, 1951 the C&EI RR bought 30 new GP7's. Here we see #227 painted in the CHTT scheme. I painted, lettered, stripped and weathered this Atlas brand example. Photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.
BN Snow Dozer Scratch build
About 4 years ago I started my first major scratch building rolling stock project. Four years later, I'm still not done, but I'm making faster progress than before. A little background in the model, and the prototype to follow in the next post to keep this one on the short side. I have been in large scale 1/29 scale, G Guage for some 15 plus years, but I never really got serious about the scratchbuilding rolling stock (I have a huge scratch built feed mill I'm working on too; 7'x 6'x 4') until this project.
What rolling stock and/or vehicles would you like to see that haven't been made?
What rolling stock and/or vehicles would you like to see that haven't been made? I love historical research! Especially on topics that people don't normally learn about. I am also good with graphic design. I have even designed my own prototypically accurate decals for some models. I have already finished the decals and research but not design for the Boeing skybox. I would love to learn about some rolling stock or vehicles I didn't know about before. Currently pending research and design are:
A generic large lumber distributor
Weird question about MBKlein Shipping.
This is a strange question. Has anyone had stuff shipped by MB Klein? Do they usually ship from Hawaii? I ordered something from them the other day and I keep getting USPS notifications of a parcel on its way to me from Hawaii. I just find it odd is all.
Modern Era - No Ditch Lights
My current plan for my model railroad is a modern (current) era switching layout. I currently have two Athearn Genesis MP15AC locomotives that I am planning on using. Neither of these locomotives has ditch lights. They would be used strictly inside an industrial park setting, not crossing any "public" streets. Would ditch lights be required in this type of setting? If so, how should I add them? I don't particularly care if they work or not.
Scratch Built Mill Gondola Loads
To All: Here are three Patapsco & Back Rive
Dull Coat Preference
What preference do you prefer on using dull coat paint, shaker can or air brush and why I read where some use Krylon 1310 dulling, but when reading Krylon literature it says wipes off . Cans of Dull coat spray seems to go fast. $$ Thanks Zeke
Rapido RDC SP-10 -- Adding an ESU PowerPack Mini
Last week I added an ESU PowerPack (a.k.a. current keeper) to the Rapido RDC SP-10. I'm really satisfied with the outcome, however there is a little important twist so I would like to explain how to do it.
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