Prototype information

Rio Grande Southern #74 is back in public view!
I've updated my blog again - this time discussing the return of the cosmetically restored RGS #74 to display, after a failed operational effort and a long, slow re-assembly.

What did steam-era sawmill switchers do?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has some information on the role of switching engines dedicated to switching at sawmills, particularly during the steam era. Even after switching to logging trucks supplying the sawmills with logs, several medium-sized sawmills on Vancouver Island, BC had a dedicated switching engine to deal with the lumber loading side of the mill.
HO Trona Railway Comments about the May MRH article.
Moderator edit:
Post moved under the Trona Railway comments thread where it belongs.
ICRR Poydras Street Yard - WORK IN PROGRESS
As promised here is what i have to date on the desigin im working on in n scale. Please feel free to comment, and any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Family got table computer for Christmas. It has Google maps app on it. At night while watching TV during commerical I search every rr track in us and every yard etc. The satlitte views are great. You can do track plan just like the real thing. MRH in last issue shows you how to use it great video.
A little different - Real Operations - would your ops team organize this at home?
I suspect this is not approved for copyright, so view while you can. It's almost an hour's entertainment. So get comfortable first.
ICRR Poydras Street Yard
latest update
Ok, started working from hand sketches this morning and with the room i have available and what i want to acheive, i think im gonna go n scale with this thing. At least for this first preliminary design. Although i have a lot of resevrations with n scale, using it solves a lot of issues i am running into.
ICRR Poydras Street Yard
Ok, things are looking more concrete. I am still in the sketching ideas stage and have nothing really ready to show here yet, but, here is how its looking for the layout.
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