jack's blog

The Last Whistle Stop
Hi, Jack from Star, Idaho. I guess we are all on the same train when we must realize that it's time to pass the controls to a new engineer. As I have mentioned in previous posts I have MS and I have reached the point that things are getting difficult to do and with much thought and sorrow I have to say that I have reached the end of the line. I need some advise on the best way to sell my layout. Every thing I have is Ho scale and in really excellent condition. I have everything from steam to diesel most with decoders and sound. In addition,

Home Made Conifers Add Realistic Scenes
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. A while back in a post I said I had torn out a great deal of my railroad simply because I didn't like it. Here are a few photos showing some of the rebuilt part and especially home made trees using furnace filter, dowels, and ideas from Joe's DVD's. I plan to show a lot more of my layout soon but this will give you an idea that I love the wooded regions of the Pacific Northwest. So far I have built dozens of the furnace filter trees and I find it rewarding to create different looks in each and every

Track Ballast
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. A week or so ago I posted a blog about dying ballast. I appreciate the advice to try Scenic Express. I have purchased from scenic express before but I never looked close at the actual stone ballast they sell. I only looked at the first page because I thought it was for the larger scale trains. However, to my surprise they make it for HO and N scale. Thanks again for leading me to the right place because I found the dark grey ballast that I was looking for. I received it today and the color was perfect.&

Floquil Marker pens
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. I have a question about the Floquil Marker Pens in the track colors. I use the Atlas code 83 track and is there some prep that has to be done to the track before the paint will adhere to the rail when I use the rust color for weathering? When I apply it I really cannot see that there is any change in the rail color. What am I doing wrong?

XYZ Rairoad Tools
Just a note about the problem I had with XYZ Railroad Tools. I did submit an investigation through my credit card company and I was refunded the purchase price. The whole process did take a bit of time bur resolved. Lesson learned, ask on the MRH forum if the company is someone you have not used in the past.

Track Ballast
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. Just a question to throw out there...Has anyone tried or had success at dying the Woodland Scenic's track ballast? Seems that the black is way too dark and the grey is too light. Just observing the color found on many of the rail lines here in Idaho I would like to have a ballast that is a dark charcoal grey. The grey color Woodland Scenics sells always seems too light in color especially when photographed. Could a person maybe use the product "Rit Color Dye"?

I Apologize For A New Way To Do Business
Jack from Star, Idaho. I can appreciate the comments about "XYZ" Railroad Tools. I guess there is a new way to do business these days. I apologize to "XYZ" I did not understand the new methods of business I guess from all the negative comments I received from a number of individuals. Just order a product and give them $40 bucks and forget about delivery because he now has health issues which I was never informed of. I spent nearly 24 years serving my country and ended my career 100% disabled with an incurable disabiling progressiv

Solution For Non-Flickering Lights
Hi, Jack from Star, Idaho. Awhile back I submitted a blog for non.flickering lights. Here is the solution that worked great! I used a device called a "constant voltage source." The item is a LM334Z three leg device that is tiny and will fit into any car or engine easily. I purchase it from "Electronic goldmine" for a cost of $.79 each. I found this can work from 12-20 volts and control lights or a sound only decoder. I have not tried it yet with sound and motor control however, it should work.

Beware Of This Supplier
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. I would normally not say anything about a supplier that I have had difficulty with but this is one that I have to pass on. The name of the web site is "Rodney's Railroad Tools."

MRC Diesel Sound Only Decoders
Hi Jack from Star, Idaho. I have five dummy BNSF HO prime movers that I installed MRC sound only decoders in and I want to make some changes such as volume levels etc but for the life of me I can not find my manual that shows the CV values. Is there anyone out there that has a manual or tell me where to find one? I checked MRC's web page but had no luck in finding one...
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