Layout tour

Christmas Micro
I made a simple point to point micro layout (operating diorama) for a micro model railway contest on Facebook. The baseboard is made from foamcore that is 38 inches long and 6 inches deep at its widest point. The total layout size is 135 square inches, including staging. I'm using On30 equipment from Bachmann.

Cleveland & Eastern RR - N Scale Layout
Hey folks,
I'd like to share my freelanced home layout - the Cleveland & Eastern RR - with you.
It is built as a walk in layout and covers 25 sqm room.

Running VIA Rail Canadian
Taking a break from building to enjoy running trains today. VIA Rail Canadian passing the CNR Covipan Intermodal Yard on my layout, the Trenton Subdivision in N Scale. Power consists of three of the four Kato F40's that I customized, pulling 11 Rapido Trains coaches.
Live Update
I’ve been pondering about a live presentation of my On30 Oahu Railway layout in progress. This would be, or could be, a Wereby or Zoom, even the possibility of a FaceBook or YouTube livestream but that would limit the participation of those who attend.
Building of the Little Pacific EP-7 - Video
More mountain construction, track and new cars.
First operating session since May 2019
at the last weekend in September I held the first Operating Session since May 2019. I made a short video. I hope you would enjoy it.
Traveling around the USA looking at, running and taking pictures of some Model Railroads in 2021.
Hi All,
I’m at it again this year. No more shoveling snow (and hopefully very little coal.)

Just Arrived!
Newest additions to my train layout, the Trenton Subdivision in N Scale. These superbly modelled VIA Rail Canada & Canadian National Railway FP9A engines arrived yesterday. Rapido Trains Inc. continues to produce outstanding detailed models in N scale.
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