William Barry's blog
What more could I ask.....
Here are some basic diagrams of the St J and LV worked into the same trackage that the Conn River line also occupies. There is a way to short circuit the shared trackage but it is not worth the disruption/destruction that would be necessary for minimal benefit. Besides....the trains are interacting with each other more intensely with the shared arrangement. It's a profitable compromise.
What more could I ask.....
Okay so I need to do some updating on diagrams but suffice it to say I have found the St J and LV fits back where she was prior. Trains now exit behind Union Station representing the Conn River Line. Which places St johnsbury back in the laundry room. I have re named at town to Walden and Greensboro Bend is a limited but acceptable stop on the way over the hills to Morrisville...also in the original location more formally known as Cookieville. And the rest of it works all the way through to St Albans through CV trackage access through Sheldon Jct.
Being Satisfied
Switch jobs are starting be run. Need to create the mirror image trains as with Dick Elwell. No one has chosen to do the Helper Section and the cuts are likely cat hair glued to their spots. Will need to clean some. I am of the mind to rebbuild St Albans...certainly need to do the fascia/turnout markings and clean up the wiring. Would like to make clear the staging role and a couple of switch runs. The current status looks weary and the engine lead is not correct. I am thinking three through tracks of 7-9 feet in the back with a siding for switchers
Being Satisfied
After much hemming and hawing I am settled that I've maxed out the potential for this space. Time to develop an operating scheme that covers the ent
A request for suggestions
I have an HO GP9 that is UP currently and I want to repaint into the Central Vermont colors. The light prisms at the two ends of the engine are glued in and are not coming out. I need to cover them in some fashion while the paint is being applied. I have considered decals....or acrylic paint....or tape for purposes of covering the light fixtures up.
Any one got any suggestions?
A Place....
Here are two diagrams of the two halves of the layout. I believe I've reached the end of track in terms of major changes within the current foot print. There are three railroads which can be represented in a reasonable fashion. Conn River line (CP/B&M), Central Vermont over
A Place....
Here are some photos of the redone garage side of the layout. Sequence is on the track diagram. Sorry on the train going so fast.
A Place....
It's been a bit since I had something to share...but I've been busy. I am currently completing a rework of the wiring for one side of the layout. T have forged ahead while leaving open wires behind. I am correcting that mistake.
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