tyndalljohn6's blog

Lighted Magnifier in your pocket
Use your phone, smart phone or tablet to take pictures on you layout? You don't need to snap the picture just use the the highly magnified screen to check details, track alignment, etc. If you have an assisted light app turn it on first and it's like watching a wide screen TV. Think of the possibilities.

Flipping up the Mooers Junction N Scale Railroad
Hopefully the above picture got your attention! Getting to the age where 'going under the layout' is no longer an option I came up with the solution shown below. After removing rolling stock it takes only a few minutes to flip to vertical, that includes roling out the racks stored under the layout. In updates to follow I will post additional photos of details and progress to my N Scale Mooers Junction Railroad.

B&M SHOWING in HO on CMRRClub's modular layout. Depicting the B&M from Manchester to White River JCT
The Concord Model Railroad Club is having it's 29th Annual show this coming Sunday, August 17th, 2014.
The Concord Model Railroad Club http://www.trainweb.org/cmrc/ has a permanent location in Penacook NH, just north of Concord NH

Light Soffit from Gatorfoam
I recently added 28 feet of soffit to my N Scale Mooers Junction Railroad. I constructed one 13 1/2 foot section ( weighing 22 lbs) with a truss assembly that lets me rest on my backdrop on one end and molding on the other. The other 15 foot section uses no framing and weighs less than 10 lbs. This also is constructed without attaching to the apartment walls.
Go to You tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65rGBDr_9CE

B&M on the Concord Model Railroad Club modeling B&M from So. Manchester to White River JCT
The Concord Model Railroad Club http://www.trainweb.org/cmrc/ in Penacook NH, just north of Concord NH models the B&M from South Manchester to White River Junction. http://www.faracresfarm.com/jbvb/rr/bmrr/nh2_1977.png
One source is: http://www.faracresfarm.com/jbvb/rr/bmrr/layout.html
see copyright info below.

Concord New Hampshire Model Railroading

Source for great roundhouse interior details
Just came across some roundhouse details in an unsuspected place. At about one hour and twenty minutes into the movie 'In the heat of the night". Some Gulf Mobile and Alabama GMO power and other RR shots throughout the movie.
The chase scene shows some good interior shots of service pits, timber bracing and even a safety sign. These shots are interesting to me as I am scratch building my N Scale roundhouse for the Mooers Junction Railroad.
On a Gatorboard® based insert for my turntable and roundhouse. You know how I love my Gatorboard!

Modeling with Gatorfoam ACTUAL MODEL PICTURES
These are some pictures I use in my Gatorfoam® (GF) clinics. My clinics revolve around my experiences with using GF for firm, lightweight, mostly benchwork and control panel uses.
Dave Myers is nice enough to lend me some of his actual HO models to bring to my presentations. Dave has won awards for some of his work, including 1st place at the last NER meeting in Syracuse, NY, for his Johnson Woolen Mill diorama. When you see the picture below notice, that with Gatorfoam®, dioramas don't just sit on the shelf but become part of the layout.
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