mesimpson's blog
Railway Modellers Meet of BC is coming up fast.
I've been "patriotically volunteered" to be part of the committee looking after the Railway Modellers Meet of British Columbia (RMMBC, just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?). The comittee is working very hard to make this become a "don't miss" event in the region.
Kitbashed grain car (a blast from the past)
While digging through my ample stockpile of freight equipment in Rubbermaid containers I dug out something I had almost forgotten about. In the late 1980's about the only cylindrical hopper car available was the Model Power car that was a tad... unprototypical. Bachmann released a cylindrical car that was better than the Model Power car, but not correct for the Canadian style car.
Southern extension?
I'm on vacation visiting family and friends in western Canada. I grew up in the central Manitoba/Saskatchewan border area and have been visiting family there. I was at the old train station in my home town that has been converted to a restaurant/ice cream parlour when the southbound VIA Hudson Bay rolled by. I recall a scenic location east of town that I could beat the train to so off I went.
Boxcar Building Blitz (BBB)
As part of my continued avoidance of all things trackwork and electrical related I have started on a bulk modeling project. My continuance down the backdating road requires that I add a significant number of 40 foot boxcars as these were still quite common into the early 1990's in northern Manitoba. To that end I have started working on approximately 25 to 30 boxcars, predominantly Intermountain cars and Trains Canada cars and a smattering of Branchline and True Line Trains cars as well.
As part of my CN tank hopper project <> I was looking through my slides for detail shots of the brake piping. My four year old "helped" organize them for me yesterday. Note to self: don't leave slide boxes sitting on a chair...
Marc Simpson
Stripping for fun
No I'm not talking about what you might think. I came into a good supply of 40 foot Intermountain boxcars in a variety of paintschemes, none of which are appropriate for my timeframe or location. Since I have started my backdating project I will need a significantly larger number of 40 foot boxcars, so into the vat of 99% alcohol they go. Sorry for any fans of these roads, but they are being sacrificed for the greater good.
The Hudson Bay Railway operates the Boundary Subdivision
I had opportunity to operate on Mark Dance's beautiful Canadian Pacific Boundary Subdivision
Days of future past
There won't be an appearance by Alberta's favourite son Wolverine, however there is a GP9 or two involved. As part of my decision to back date to the 1980's I purchased a couple of GP9, one of which is going to a friend, the other is staying with me. The one I am keeping is of special significance to me.
Era Drift
I got back from the Supertrain show in Calgary, Alberta on Monday. It was very enjoyable to catch up with people I haven't seen in a while. I had opportunity to see many excellent modular layouts as well as operate on a very nicely done N scale home layout. My photo sales were good as well, justifying the long trip. I drove to and from the show with my friend Chris. 11 hours of driving each way gives plenty of time to cover many subjects, sometimes several times.
A travelling workbench and a resin auto transport car
<Updated the title to better reflect the thread direction>
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