McRuss's blog
First operating session since May 2019
at the last weekend in September I held the first Operating Session since May 2019. I made a short video. I hope you would enjoy it.
News from my Modelrailway room February 2021
I've made an update video about my modelrailway activity during the last month, mostly about my 009 layout, and a little bit about my N gauge layout.
News from my Modelrailway Room 12
today I've uploaded an update about my model railroad layouts on Youtube
I'll covering some new rolling stock for the N gauge layout, improvments on the room lights, a magnetic N gauge coupler and my G&D H0 scale layout.
Modified Kitwood Hill 0n30 Turntable to H0
As mentioned in my last blog entry I had purchased a Kitwood Hill 0n30 turntable and modified it for use on my H0 scale layout. As promissed I took some photos of the turntalbe.
First Train at Sorethroat on the G&D Sorethroat Branch
Since my last post I have installed the feeder and bus wires for Sorethroat and I also installed the mechanical turnout actuators. What I have still to do is solder in the wire for the polarity of the turnout frogs. Today I was able to run the first train at Sorethroat, which I want to share with you. I hope you enjoy it.
News from my Modelrailway Room 11
it's been some time since my last update of the layout. I had lost a bit of my modelling mojo, maybe because I started to put in a ceiling in my modelrailway room, it was quite messy. But I managed to film a new update from my model railway room, where I show the new ceiling and some little progress I made during the time. And I will speak about future projects.
G&D Sorethroat Branchline Mk3, construction has started
I did some thinking about the trackplan and I wasn't happy with it. In 1992 September Issue of Modelrailroader, there was a trackplan for a proposed layout in a small room called Spokane, Pasco & Wallace. Since I saw these trackplan in the 90s I tried to plan a layout based on these plan. Over the years these plan was stored in the backs of my brain, but during the last weeks it reemerged.
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