HO Elevated street car station?
Elevated Street Car/Trolley Station
Does anyone know of a design for a covered elevated trolley/street car station? I've seen a pic of one, but can't remember were. A covered station/stop with step down to the main level.
Buck & Loretta finally arrive - and have a visitor!
Buck & Loretta done finally showed up and are back from a beer buying trip only to find Uncle Herschel had done stopped by to chew the fat - and thar's a plenty of that a hanging out of the bottom of Buck's "wife beater" shirt. Buck ain't never gona lift a hand against ole' Loretta since she ken shoot the eye of a tick at 100 yards! Although Buck's the only one with a beer in his hand, he'll be a sharing some brew with Herschel as soon as Loretta goes in the that there trailer house to fetch some!
A little thing, but a big thing
To many this would be a "big woopie" task, but for me it's a big deal as it's my very first turnout control panel on the layout. When I first started the layout a few years ago I determined that all mainline turnouts would be controlled by switch motors. I've installed the motors as I've been building the layout but none of the turnouts have been able to be thrown electrically. if I wanted to operate a turnout I used a push pin and piece of foam to lodge the turnout in the "other" position. Since I've actually been doing a l
MRN demise
Joe ...your comments on the Model Railroad News demise are sadly true...and I'm glad you are around with MRH ...and you are priced right...and if I was a seller I would advertise with you...(have you thought about classified ads)....keep up the good work..Keith Brock
I am looking for some input from those with operating layouts. There are some choices to be made as I go ahead - - I have the option of installing some: A) under the track magnets; B) in track magnets; or C) use a pick tool to uncouple cars on sidings and along the main line at interchange tracks.
Old Style Spectrum 44 Ton Overhaul
What's in a Name?
You know what one of the toughest decisions I've had to make while designing this railroad has been? Not choosing a location or theme or choosing which industries to model. The toughest decision has been coming up with a name for the railroad.
Tsunami decoders
Do you sell Tsunami decoders for an SP AC-9 articulated engine, if so can you e-mail me the cost etc,
Better lighting
Just a quick post about better lighting (for overall workspace, the eponymous garage, rather than specifically for the layout only [though this light serves as layout lighting until I add dedicated lights to the modules]): I've had 100 W equivalent CFLs in the garage for lighting, and one burned out. While at the local big box store, I found 300 W equivalent yellower lights. Compare the new one (left) with the old one (right):
Train 26 South Coal train on Bob Helm's Clinchfield Railroad
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