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"Learn to code and make a site of your own."
haha, is that the new version of "let them eat cake?" Why would I want to do something I think is wrong? You need to learn to think on a deeper level than face book is teaching you. Free is never free ,someone somewhere pays for it. Your 401 k might be overpaying with your money for your free facebook use? Stocks are a long term claim to profits so any price increase now means less return down the road. This is about more than your ability to connect with your friends this is about basic direction.Exalt the Zuckerman's if you want but I'm more impressed with people who take as little as possible for their share and I think the 1% er's greed will eventually turn us into a 3rd world country or lead to revolution if people get tired of cake.......DaveB
Read my blog
Okay, back to model trains and MRH
Okay, everyone's had their say, so let's pull this back to something relevant to model trains and MRH. Facebook and Google take turns being #1 - that's this year - next year it will be something else. MRH, in order to reach as many modelers as possible, works to have a strong presence on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and iTunes.
We're planning to start publishing our eBooks on Apple iBooks store, on Amazon, on Barnes & Noble Nook store and on the Kobo store. We'll also be debuting our new MRH Store website soon. While we can debate whether or not any of these are "the evil empire" - the reality remains these are the leading sites right now, and the more of these we can be on, the better we get found.
Times have changed. Print media is so 20th century ...
I'd be curious how many consider the train product ads in MRH to be content?
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
how many consider the train product ads in MRH to be content?
I view them as new product information which is valuable content to me. If it's something I don't need I still try to remember it in case someone else needs the product and might inquire about it . ..DaveB
Read my blog
DCC system
Hello folks,
I'm new to the club and hobby. Retired now I picked the trains as a hobby and I'm in the process of building a 4x8 HO scale layout. I'd like your help on almost, i.e.:
1. I would like to buy a DCC system capable of running 3 trains at once, what system should I procure?
2. I will use Atlas super - flex tracks, is that a good choice?
3. I bought a Broadway Limited DCC loco and need to buy lighted passengers cars, which brand should I get?
4. My loco has an imbedded sound system, do I need any additional equipment to support it.
5. I'm looking to procure a diesel DCC with sound loco which manufactory makes a good engine?
6. Also looking for electrical train signals, any inputs?
7. Can I run Marklins' cars on my layout?
8. What kind of a 2 or 3% incline should I use?
9. Should I use a separate power source for accessories?
10. What size of buss wire should I use, need to be insulated, solid or multi?
Any support from you experts will be highly appreciated.
Train product ads ...
... are advertisements to me. If it catches my eye as something unique or useful I'll stop and look at it to learn more. Most times I simply ignore them. (Now that I think about it, I pretty much treat the regular 'content' the same way ... heh. But, I DO read the first couple of sentences of every article; I do not read every add ... only those that catch my eye in some fashion.)
If I am looking for a product, I do an Internet search; I don't go back looking at magazine adverts, either digital or printed.
Addendum. At one point I did come across two 'stores' that offered what I was looking for. I did recognize one of them as being a supporter/advertiser in MRH, so I gave them first shot. In the end, the shipping cost was just too high, so I went with the 'other guy'.
You might start a separate topic with your questions. You will get much more attention that way and it is just good form to avoid "hijacking" a thread about something else. Be prepared to answer more questions, too, as your questions are not simply answered with a sentence or two.
Building a TOMA HO Scale '70s/80s era
flashing beacon on Ncale locomotive
I have bought several Yellow/Orange Flashing LEDs 1.8mm with resistors already installed in wiring. I would like to place one in a test engine as a beacon light. I'm not concerned about rate of flash but wondering if this might be an easy way for this.
Jerry Kramer
Nashua, NH
HO JO model!!
I would like to see a vendor who would produce a N / HO model of HO JO"s restaurants
Diesel Powered Chassis Ident?
I have inherited several Athearn, Bachmann Spectrum, Atlas Genesis and a couple of older Lima powered chassis. They all work well and are in good repair. The problem is, I have no idea what bodies (type of diesel) go with each piece. I have tried on each, every body I have with limited success.
My question is; Does a source exist that can be tapped to determine which body by which OEM goes with each of which chassis?
Alternately, is there a source that will tell me the inside dimensions of the various bodies (that is a long shot I know)
Thanks for any help you can give.
keeping running
my names Bob and have just re-joined model rail for first time in around 55 years, have always enjoyed electronics and model building... I have a question that I'm sure has been asked and answered many times before
How do I keep trains running... I have laid my initial rail layout and the building of the scenery has been started ans will be done over time but with all new track and locos with wheels cleaned before being run and only a short time in and I'm getting connection failures.. the track has already become dirty, although it doesnt appear to be.
I have been to a few exhibitions and they dont seem to have these problems with their displays... what is the secret, how do you keep good contact without literally following the loco around the circuit with a cleaner
I am running just a DC circuit... not digital