Editorial - Reverse Running

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Reverse Running - MRH Issue 2 - April 2009











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the glut of old product is

the glut of old product is really in my mind the nails in the coffin for the older places; they will perish trying to keep afloat and ahead of bills that require constant revenue streams.  Each of us has our own hobbyshops at home, so it seems, so we could stay home modeling and never set foot inside a hobbyshop again and accomplish all of our work. 

The advantage is with the startups buying up lots of liquidated stock and getting into the busness fresh, as they have no overhead tied up. 

This is true for manufacturers and even hobbyists as well...


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

Buy a Kit or Eat out

That buying a kit instead of eating out & going to a movie sounds good to me...now try to convince my wife!   jerry

It is difficult when the SO's

It is difficult when the SO's hobby is going out...and when she is the breadwinner too.  Going out it is!!!


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

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