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Video Tour

Tue, 2013-03-26 03:26 — David Calhoun
Take a brief tour of the Keystone Midland Railroad. Go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhkIRFRlZiM This is our first "attempt" at a video production and is a bit rough in spots, but will give you an idea of our club layout near Harrisbug, PA.
If in the area, the club at Mechanicsburg is open on Monday evenings from 7 to 11 pm and private tours can be arranged by contacting me here or through the contact information seen at the end of the video. It's also posted on our web site at: http://www.pamodelrailroads.com/KMRHS/ where there are more pictures and information.
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Thanks for the tour
Nice layout David, and great job with the narration. Thanks for posting it.
Enjoying HO, with RailPro.
You guys have a layout to be proud of! Great video with good narration.
Beautiful layout! Excellent video! Thank you very much.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing the layout with us, very nicely constructed. What you need now is a video camera car tour.
We are planning an upgrade with better voice over and a possible video car tour right after the May 18-19 Open House. The new city will be in place as well as the dairy siding and the ladder factory. There are 4 - 6 projects going on right now and will upgrade the layout; I just finished the scrap yard project along with Wally's Station by Bernie, a long time club member.
The overall layout is 25 ft by 70 ft with a double folded dogbone and two hidden storage areas of 5 tracks each. We'll try to feature each area with a more detailed camera tour spread out over two or three videos. Stay tuned!
Chief Operating Officer
The Greater Nickel Plate