
Just what I like to see. Someone who knows about modelling and modellers interests. Real scratchbuilders but this time in the magazine field. I wish you well with your endeavours. Maybe from afar I may be able to contribute to your magazine. 


joef's picture

Thanks, Alwyn


Welcome aboard MRH!

Yes, I'd like to see a quality publication for model railroading that uses the best in 21st century technology to challenge advanced modelers to push the envelope, and that helps bring the newcomers along without dumbing down everything.

When we print advanced articles, I want to include some sidebars that help newcomers make sense of what this is all about. And when we print newcomer articles (and we will - we won't forget them either), we'll add sidebars giving more advanced concepts around the newcomer topic.

And we'll throw in rich media video, audio, and virtual reality 3D to help everyone "get it" better and be entertained in the process.

The vision is there, now we just need to start doing it! Believe me, we've assembled quite a team, and I'm encouraged that we are going to actually pull it off!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

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