Progress continues on the Colorado Front Range Railroad.

mikedeverell's picture



This is a non-crew workweek for me. So the crew is off working and enjoying their family, but work continues throughout the week to try to get an hour or two a day and maybe couple hours on the weekend. I to have choice to do around the house and as such I have was doing this weekend. But I found some time to escape and do a few hours of work in the shop here's the progress update on that.


The last of the cupboards doors are hung and ready to be painted.

The last of the drywall work is also being completed as this is the last cadet heaters and drywall work that needed to be done to close it in.

And with that begins track work. The first spline work has been set in and the track is laid on it, I used tan caulk to glue it to the spline and drops are set down every other three-foot section.

I solder all my rail joint together, I have done this for years and never had a problem. One caveat to that is my layout room is environmentally controlled. I have a dehumidifier in place that keeps the room constantly at 50% humidity and the temperature is constantly 70°. But given that I hate the look of HO scale rail joiners. So this time I'm trying using N scale rail joiners. The code 80 N scale rail joint will work just as they are on code 70 but on my code 83 rail I have to work with them to spread them out. I think the rail joiners look much better and much more unnoticeable especially after weathering is done to the rails.

As I enter into the first city of Longmont a useful scale plotted prints of the plans to ensure that I have both room and alignment set for the city and the buildings that I plan to put into it.

Next weekend is a full work weekend for the crew we should have at least three of us there working. My electrician Jonathan has done herculean work in having all the bus lines in an color-coded for each of the power districts and sub districts. He is also installed for hex frog juicers from Tam Valley installed and 16 servos installed and ready to be interfaced with our computer for the dispatcher's desk. And with that we close for this week till next week.


Happy railroading

Mike Deverell



Sugar Beet Guy's picture

Longmont Factory Reference

Check out

Thre author lives in Longmont and told me he had lots of photos of the Longmont beet factory as well as others in northern Colorado.  I offered to trade him some Loveland beet factory photos for Longmotn photos but he enver responded.



George Booth
Director of Everything, The New Great Western Railway

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