Giveaway Entry Video | 2020 Holiday Model Railroad Starter Set

This holiday season, we are giving the gift of model railroading to a new generation. In this video I will let you know how to enter the giveaway to win a model railroad starter set.
When I was a young, I have very fond memories of watching trains running around a layout. The first train set that I remember was my fathers Lionel O27 set that we had in the basement. I still very much enjoy the clicking clack that the trains make as they seemingly endlessly go around and around the layout. I find it very soothing to watch and listen to model trains.
How many people do you know that have a similar story? Did you have a train around the Christmas tree? Did you setup an oval of track on the kitchen table or another spare table in your house. Do you remember your first starter set?
My personal first starter set was made by Tyco and it was a Chattanooga Steam Locmotive with a Red Caboose in HO scale.
I got back into model railroading over the 2019 Holiday season. I wanted to put a loop of trains around the tree and I got a bit carried away. Getting back into the hobby reminded me of how much I enjoyed model trains as a kid.
This is a video of the project that reignited my interest in model railroading
From a conversation between YouTubers, Michael McCarville and Nancy And The Spirit of Colorado, they decided to give away a model railroad starter set to a youth. This has been a long year and they wanted to pass on our joys of model railroading to a new generation. On December 2nd, Michael McCarville gave away an HO starter set to someone that is going to gift it to his two grandsons.
Frank Steelerfan 820 reached out to me and suggested that we also give a starter set away on my YouTube channel.
After a brief mention on one of my Friday morning LiveStreams, Hangout with Humanity, we did not raise enough money for one starter set. We actually raised enough money to purchase three starter sets to giveaway.
We are going to be giving away one HO starter set, one N scale starter set and one O scale starter set. This is going to be the entry video and the giveaway is going to take place during Side Track Sunday on December 13th at 8pm Eastern.
But, we are not just stopping there. We are continuing to take contributions so that we can also make a donation to the youth program at the Colorado Model Railroad Museum. Michelle Kempema, the Executive Director of the museum is going to be on the Live Stream on December 13th to tell us more about the model railroad youth program at the museum.
If you would like to contribute now to introduce and support youths in the hobby of model railroading, you can make a contribution at Or, consider purchasing another starter set to give away to someone in your community.
Here is how this giveaway is going to work.
Due to the YouTube rules this contest is limited to adults or anyone with their guardians permission to participate.
The winning adult agrees that train set will be passed along to a youth under 18 years of age if possible.
There will not be any confirmation required, we are just using the honor system here.
If you enter the contest, please either join the Live Stream on Sunday December 13th at 8pm Eastern or check the replay as soon as possible so that I can ship the sets out on Monday.
The train set will be shipped to the winner, who is then responsible for delivery to the youth. The train set will be shipped anywhere in the continental United States at no cost.
If you would like to enter and you live outside the continental United States, I would appreciate if you looked through the comments and would choose someone from the US to pass the train set along to.
The winner is responsible for following any product age or safety instructions.
And now, the information you have been waiting for, how to enter.
The giveaway conditions are that you must be subscribed to this YouTube channel, Humanity Junction as well as Frank Steelerfan 820’s YouTube channel as this would not have happened without his suggestion.
And in the comments below, on this video, please state, “I would like to give the gift of model railroading this holiday season" and include which scale starter set you would like to be entered into, the N scale, HO scale or O scale sets. If you would like to be entered into any of the giveaway’s, just state ANY for the scale. Each person can only win once, but you can be entered in the drawing for multiple scales.
Also, for fun, add a comment on who you would like to give the train set to if you win the giveaway.
Entries will be accepted up until this Sunday December 13th at 6pm Eastern, two hours before the start of the giveaway live stream.
Let’s create memories of model railroading this holiday season.
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