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NMRA National Convention Online July 6-10, 2021
Details to be updated in subsequent posts. Click here for a live link to the registration form. Hope to see you online!
Chris Palermo, Publicist

70 | A Hobby Shop Tour In New York City | The Red Caboose | Unique Walkthrough | Model Railroad
In today's video, we are going to take a trip to midtown and visit New York City's original full line hobby shop. A short distance from Times Square in NYC is a store called The Red Caboose.

NEW Diamond Line Crossing Kits from Fast Tracks
New from Fast Tracks, Diamond Line crossing kits!
After seventeen months in development, Fast Tracks has launched The Diamond Line.

62 | The Best Live Streaming And Video Recording Setup | For Me And My Model Railroading
I am planning some big things for 2021 and this required a rebuild of my Live Streaming and Video Recording Workbench Space. This is the setup that I came up with for my 2021 goals.

60 | Holiday Giveaway Reminder | Railfanning My Layout | Halloween in December

Giveaway Entry Video | 2020 Holiday Model Railroad Starter Set
This holiday season, we are giving the gift of model railroading to a new generation. In this video I will let you know how to enter the giveaway to win a model railroad starter set.

58 | Getting Started with Woodland Scenics Shaper Sheets | Kato T-Trak Module | Scenery
In todays episode, we are going to get back to working on the T-Trak Module Kit From Kato | Made by Woodland Scenics and get started on adding the scenery. This is the first time I will be working with the Woodland Scenics Shaper Sheets.

8pm EST Nov 8th | You know me for my N scale, but have you seen my HO collection?

53 | Unboxing | It Was Not What I Expected
Thank You Jason The Train Freak, John Schuylkill River Valley, Ray Boebel, Bryan and Mike from Crossed Anchors Railroads, Claude from Cowboy and Timberline Junction Railroad and Shannon Tapia from Back on Track. And thank you to everyone in the community. I am what I am because of who we all are.

52 | Several Updates to Share | DT602D Throttle Update, GG1 Blackjack Repair, Three Decoder Installs
In today’s episode, I have several different items to share. I updated my Digitrax DT602D Throttle to the latest firmware. Then I finished the repairs to my Kato GG1 Blackjack. And finally, I installed three decoders, but only two of the installations were successful.
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