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Upcoming | Conversation About Virtual Railroad Hobby Shows | Amherst Show Director John Sacerdote

Sat, 2021-01-09 12:25 — Human.c.ity Junction
What are the future of Model Railroad Hobby Shows in 2021? The Amherst Hobby Show has decided to move to a virtual format this year. Please join me on Sunday Night, Jan 10th at 8pm for a live conversation with the Show Director of the Amherst Hobby Show, John Sacerdote regarding their plans for the January 30-31, 2021 Virtual Show.
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Is anyone doing an Amherst 2021 product announcement summary?
A lot of manufacturers/importers make product announcements at the Amherst show which is going on now. This is my primary interest in this event. Unfortunately the virtual production must be sequential rather than multi-threaded.
Is anyone doing a product announcement summary thread? I have no interest in subscribing to Joe's competitor Virtual Railfan just for this event.
Interesting to note that Hatton's of Liverpool, UK is making a half hour presentation. I may try to catch that one on the YouTube version. I have an account there as I still model/collect English model some specific railway 4 mm/OO equipment as a longstanding. (4 mm rolling stock for the London and South Western Railway and it's 1923 successor, the Southern Railway that ran in Cornwall up to the stroke of midnight December 31, 1948 when it was nationalized.)