Scenery - Structures
3D print of the Illinois Terminal Depot Monticello Illinois
This is how I created a model of the Illinois Terminal Depot in Monticello, Illinois.
Metal Barrier Wall/Fence
Looking for ideas,, etc....
In the corner of my steel mill scene I have my mainline tracks making a large radius curves behind the mill sructures. Naturally I want to hide the mainline trains from the mill components. The blast furnace (to the left) will have a large mirror behind it hiding those mainline trains, ...and making it look like 2 blast furnaces and 2 highline tracks in a row.
May Day Layout Update
Some incremental progress on the layout as a whole. As mentioned in the previous post, some major trackwork was necessary for operations to continue in any reasonable manner. Namely, I had to elevate the crossing tracks about a half inch above the roadway to eliminate a peak in the rail joints that was causing all sorts of mayhem.
As work was ongoing, I took the opportunity to rearrange the office structures around the main entrance. I also made some progress in replacing the manual snap switches with caboose industries hand-throws.
What's on Your Workbench - May 2021
We move into the month of May ready for your progress reports. Let's see the latest from your workbench and layout!
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
Planting a corn crop
I am planning on having a small corn field on my layout. I plan to use JTT ho scale summer corn stalks. I am trying to calculate how many corn stock that I will need. What is a good spacing that I should have between plants and how much spacing should I have between rows?
Trees and Buildings - Building a Beginners Model Railroad from ground up
Modifying commersially available trees for a more realistic appearence. Explaning the concept of ”forced perpective”, how to use trees to divide the landscape into different scenes and creating effects.
Creating Details that Make the Building Look Realistic - Gas Station Convenience Store Scratchbuild
With the shell done, its time to start managing the details that make this go from a bunch of plastic shapes to a realistic looking building.
Roundhose Diorama
Wanted to make reference to a marvelous bit of modeling being recorded over on another forum.
Another new vehicle for the Detroit Windsor Connecting RR
1949 Mercury Coupe just finished for the layout. My era is 1969 so this one is aged accordingly.
Sorry about the hood alignment!
How wide is pinstripe for O scale?
I want to lay down some pinstripe for my Road for an O scale layout. How wide is the pinstriping for this particular layout if I have to buy it from an auto parts store?
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