MRH website
What is and isn't fair use when posting copyrighted content
A trackplan from a copyrighted Kalmbach publication was posted on another thread and it set off a detailed discussion of what is and is not fair use when posting copyrighted content.
Here is the original thread:
In general, when it's a drawing such as a track plan, posting the plan in its entirety is not fair use and you must get permission. For more details, see the discussion that follows below.
Site was down for maintenance, but it's back now!
Sorry folks, our hosting providers moved our site to all new servers and so we ended up down for unplanned maintenance due to some bumps.
But we're back now!
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Apple Data Leak
..just fyi... I know very little about this stuff. However, I received a message on my iphone that my password has appeared in a "data leak for this website." ...
Status update on the new MRH forum migration
Just checked in with the developers who are building the program to move this forum to the new site and they tell me they're about ready to port the file I sent them back in October and then open it up for testing.
They're projecting sometime in early February for this to be done. Once it's ready then you will be welcome to go over there and try it out. Part of the port includes moving all the registered members, so anyone who has been here since October 2020 should have a login over there!
We will keep you posted.
MRH website Metrics
Quick question Joe and MRH staff:
Does it matter/benefit you at MRH whether or not we actually log on whenever we visit the MRH website?
I know over my 10 years and 42 weeks and counting that I do not always logon when visiting the website. Is a visit to the website "count" as much to you and the advertisers any more or less than if I log on each time (or stay logged on)?
Thanks - Happy New Year and keep up the good work!
What Is Your Favorite Freelanced Layout(s) With A Fictional Railroad?
This thread is born out of another thread. Instead of including freelanced layouts with the primary railroad being a real life railroad, I am limiting the list to only fictional primary railroads. Here are some of my favorite freelanced layouts that fit this category:
Eric Brooman's Utah Belt Railroad
Allen McClelland's Virginian & Ohio Railroad
Kevin Klettke's Washington Northern Railroad
Model Railroader's Milwaukee, Racine, and Troy Railroad
MRH Magazine Flash Player Support
Recently I (for no particular reason) took the opportunity to promote my old "Imagineering" Column articles.
I see that Adobe Flash Player reaches end of life on 31st December 2020.
What will this mean for access to back issues of MRH?
10 10 10 Anniversary
It appears I have been an MRH subscriber for 10 years, 10 weeks and 10 hours.
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