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Discussion forum
The MRH FORUM has moved … this page will automatically redirect you.
If it doesn’t redirect you, then you can use this link to go there.

To log into the new forum for the first time:

Heads up! New forum move starts midnight Fri, Dec 17
Yes, we're finally doing the forum move for real (again). This time the testing looks quite good other than one link glitch which the developers have fixed. We will be resequencing the forum timestamps on Fri, Dec 17 to match the Drupal post sort order.
At 11:59PM Pacific on Friday, Dec 17, this forum will become read only.
Then if all goes well, we will open up next Monday, Dec 20, on the new forum.
No doubt some of you will need login assistance, we will be standing by to help you out.

Okay, the new forum load ready for testing with Dec 1st data
Okay, we've done one more test load after the developers have told us they fixed everything.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have not run the final resequencing fix, so don't get too concerned about bad sequencing on the new forum. We'll check that out in depth after issue release ~Dec 15th.
Go check it out at:

Forum move status as of Dec 2, 2021
Just wanted to let you know the new forum conversion bugs have been fixed and we're trying a new load.
However, I did not yet run my forum resequence fix. I'm mainly interested in seeing that the developers have fixed all their bugs. At this point I'm pretty confident my forum resequencing fix will nail the out-of-sequence problem. The fix algorithm is pretty straightforward and simple, so I'm confident it will do the job.
But we're going to miss doing a conversion this weekend, Dec 4th. Not enough time to do a test reload and then check it.

Okay, the latest new forum load ready for testing!
Okay, the developers told me they believe they fixed everything and so we loaded the forum data from Nov 11th on the new forum.
Go check it out at:
It looks a LOT better now, but I did find the blog index bad link error hasn't been fixed. Everything else looks pretty good, but go have a look for yourself.

Spell Check
I would like to make a request. Could you add "Spell Check" to your text editor. It is nice that the editor "Flags" misspellings but it does not provide any suggestions or solutions.
Thank you,
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