DC - Electrical

Need advice for a DC motor performance issue

First a little background.....

I'm restoring two Revell SW7's (clutch drive). Besides the usual clean and lube, I replaced the decayed/original drive bands with new O-rings and the original weakened Alnico magnets with neodymiums. Additionally, I disabled the clutch drive and it's now direct drive. The identical changes/components were used on both units.

Gary Yurgil's picture

Turnout Indicator

I am looking to use LED turnout indicators on my small layout.  I also want to be able to power the frog.  I have searched MRH and all over the internet and am suffering from wiring diagram overload.  I think I have found what I am looking for on the Wiring For DCC website.  there are two diagrams, one for a 2 lead LED and one for a 3 lead LED.  The wiring is simpler for the 2 lead.  Just to make it worse, I want to be able to run in DC and sometimes in DCC.  Will the switch, resistors, diodes, and LEDs work exactly the same?


mikedeverell's picture

Wig Wag proof of concept before placing it on the layout.

Just a short video with all the working parts working together to make the wig wag work.




How does a DC controller work?

Hi, I'm new to model trains. I've recently aquired a DC locomotive and some tracks but I´m missing a way to control it.

I want to spend as little as possible because eventually I will make the jump to DCC, so this is only temporal equipment, so I am considering buiding the transformer/controller myself. I have plenty of experience in electronics and electricity.

What I want to know is how does a DC train controller work:

Is it just a variable voltage power source from -12 to +12, or is it something like PWM?

mikedeverell's picture

Quick update and a thank you!

Just A quick update. I had an idea that I wanted to see on the layout, if you been following I am building a larger layout and always am looking for some help on projects. This one fell into a project that my friend Mike Whiteman.




Reviewing old, old posts, whether here or elsewhere

I've noticed on a number of different forms at various sites that there is a tendency for some readers to do a search on a topic, find an old thread, and then resurrect it with a new comment.  Sometimes, especially where the original topic was dealing with ageless stuff like prototype operations, prototype equipment, or even benchwork or model operating system approaches, it's great to see these things resurface.  It's like wandering in the woods and finding a shiny coin or a historical marker you had no idea existed.

pops.anderson's picture

Wiring Switchcraft 160324 Telelever switches

I have some Switchcraft 160324 switches  (3t4p?) that I am using for block wiring, switching between 2 cabs. They work great for this and wiring was simple.

I am working on my sawmill area that is on a branch line and has 2 yard areas (rec/ship). Separate switches for each. All will be on the same cab.

How do I wire these switches for reversing? Wiring the same as 2p2t does not work.


steamhog's picture

rolling continuity tester

This simple test car shows any poor connections. 


Subject has changed to - Pocket change? For Car Weights

Not sure how this turned into a post on car weights.

Deleted original subject on easy track powering in a non switched location, and replaced it with Pocket change? For Car Weights

Pocket change? For Car Weights?

If you are still interested on automated powering of your track in a non switched very hard to reach location let me know or start your own blog.  

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