Tools, tips and tricks
LED Lighting Strips
***Adendum: Please disregard this OP, in my research with your help here and in been delivered my proper lights...but there are still a few things to wrap up..getting there.***
I've been looking at LED light strip options for my shelf layout. In a perfect world I would have a valance and use my existing IKEA lights but the bulbs keep burning out and come in at $8.00 cdn a pop. So I am going the LED strip route. I prefer the spread of the LED lights and the price point is perfect.
What's on Your Workbench - May 2021
We move into the month of May ready for your progress reports. Let's see the latest from your workbench and layout!
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
Milling Loco Weights for Decoder Space
I'm sure we've all been there - having to get more space inside our loco shells to accommodate DCC decoders, or in my case RailPro receivers. Usually I've had to take a hacksaw, or port-a-band saw, to those white-metal weights to cut off some height to gain the space needed. Not a fun or easy process. Fortunately I've got a connection to someone with a CNC mill. The pictures & video are posted below.
Acrylic thinning for air brush
I have done some research on Acrylic thinning for air brushing, I am getting a mixed bag of findings..Some swear off using Isopropanol yet I find it as an ingredient in many home made recipes on line...I saw a post on Armor all and how it changed its formula to include isopropanol and Joe says "good bye Armor All" .
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