
SMA39 Model Railroad Animation Chat with Daz of Model Railroad Techniques (Austrailia)
I recently had the privilege of chatting with Daz on his Model Railroad Techniques podcast (from Austrailia). It occurred to me that we talked about a number of things that I have not mentioned before, anywhere. So if anyone is so inclined to hear a bit more about my adventures in scale model animation, have a listen. I hope you get something out of it that doesn't put you to sleep!

What's on Your Workbench - May 2021
We move into the month of May ready for your progress reports. Let's see the latest from your workbench and layout!
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

Contagious Disease
Thought I would post this warning,...a notice I happened across a long time ago, but it is still applicable today .
Anyone trying to connect to the WGH show today?
I’m trying to watch the WGH show with my son today it should have started I click and nothing happens.
Anyone else able to connect?
Any eBid Users?
Seems after the last round of changes at Ebay there might be an exodus of many sellers.
With that being said I know our hobby is as much of finding those old deals on items released in years past vs new pre-order stuff.
I was looking around for an alternative, eBid came up and it looks similar to the earlier days of Ebay.
Granted I have been on Ebay for almost two decades so anything else looks and feels very different/wrong to me.
Railroad Magazine Index
After Kalmbach Publishing's Train Magazine Index went permanently offline a few weeks back, we started this little project on the side. It's now to a state where we wanted to open it up to a wider audience for some real "stress testing":
Train Stuff
How many locomotives is enough?
I'm thinking one for every foot of track and every piece of rolling stock.

NMRA Election Results are In
Congrats to Gordy and the others that have been elected.
Hopefully, this will reorient the NMRA to a digitally focused organization. I'm happy that new blood has been elected perhaps there is hope for the organization.
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