
What's on Your Workbench - February 2021
Here we are in February! Thank you all for sharing lots of interesting projects over the last few months. Let's keep the shares rolling with the latest from your workbench and layout!.
Eric Hansmann
Contributing Editor, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:

Sounds different - changing the tone of a piezo buzzer?
Good evening all,
I have some PSX circuit breaker boards with the optional piezo buzzer added. This buzzer helps notify that there is a short detected by the PSX board.
A friend of mine mentioned that he can't hear that audio range any longer and wondered if there was a way to either use a buzzer with a different pitch or change the pitch of the recommended buzzer.
Any insight into this idea/problem would be gratefully accepted!
Thanks in advance,
Tim Moran Akron, OH

Ebay to no longer use Paypal?
Has anyone seen the type of info discussed here?......
@Warflight Just checking in
Usually around this time of year, Warflight updates us on the work he does at Christmas for the kids in his neighbourhood. Thinking about this, I realised that he hadn’t posted anything in quite a while. So, I thought I’d post this as a sort of welfare check.
You OK, Warflight? Has anyone heard from him recently?
Build a Model Railroad in 10 Minutes a Day
This year I’ve decided to devote 10 minutes a day to working on model railroading. My first post was on FaceBook Live so not sure how to share that here but the next three are online there as well as on YouTube.
Documentation for running new package of STS on Windows 10 updated
The instructions for using STS on a Windows computer have been updated to include the UniServer package. As I mentioned in the previous post, this web server / database server platform is smaller than XAMPP and simpler to deploy. There's no installation process, just download, unzip, and run it. XAMPP is supposedly a little faster but I haven't noticed that UniServer's speed is unacceptable, at least on my Windows 10 Pro desktop.
Additional packaging for STS software
Now that STS version 4 is making the rounds of those model railroaders interested in operations, we're finding that the web server - database server - programming language platform with which it's been packaged these past several years is occasionally having issues with some versions of Microsoft Windows 10.
The XAMPP package includes the Apache 2 webserver, the MySQL/MariaDB database server, and the PHP programming language system. XAMPP relies on some Microsoft programming libraries and some versions of Windows 10 seem not to have the most current version of them.

What's on Your Workbench - January 2021
We've turned the corner into a New Year! Time to share your latest workbench and layout progress as we kick off January.
Eric Hansmann
Editor-at-Large, Model Railroad Hobbyist
Follow along with my railroad modeling:
Rail Modeller Magazine May/June 2021 is available now
Hi All,
To make a bright start to your 2021, January/February 2021 Rail Modeller Australia magazine is now ready for download from
Please consider putting in a small donation towards the costs of producing and hosting. It is neither for profit or wage but I am aware of some of the costs that Robyn has borne producing this quality publication for all of our enjoyment!
Cheers and Happier New Year

To What Lengths
The question is " To what lengths have, or would you go to so as to have THAT model on your layout " ?
I am pretty sure many of us have spotted a item either railfanning or in some photo someplace that piques the interest of the model railroader to the point it transitions from " thats nice " to " I gotta have ". When this bug hits, and you have secured as much research as you think is possible or needed, do you hope that some company will fullfill your model wish or do you go the " full monty " for a scratchbuilt model ?
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