Prototype information
Real Track Work
Photo's of real tracks that I have come across in My wanderings...

Free HD Train Footage
60 minutes of very cool HD train footage that you can download for free. In fact, they encourage you to download and remix to you heart's content. Cool.
You will need a torrent program like BitTorrent or similar. All four seasons required 70Gb of hard drive space.
Georgia Central Rly's THE GENERAL
i would like to know the date that THE GENERAL [of civil war fame] was built and what manufacturer built it. Thanx. G. ~~
Help with passenger car type
I am not a passenger train modeler (yet!) but, as part of modeling the OBRY, I want to include their two coaches. These coaches are used to host a scenic trip with and optional dinner.
Can anyone tell me what type of coach the OBRY is pulling in this video The best view starts around the 3:26 mark.
If you know of an N scale version of these, that information would also be great.

More Rio Grande Southern photo links updated
Well, not much of a posting today, but I have been quietly working in the background - updating several THOUSAND (and yes, you read that correctly, folks) photo links from the Denver Public Library's (DPL) Western History Collection.
All of these updates are part of my main site - - where I have links to locations, equipment, and historical events.

Bailey Yard Web Cam
Watch the Union Pacific Railroad Yard in North Plate, NE. This shot comes form the Golden Spike Tower. Built and paid for with you Tax dollars. Project of USDA. Explain that.
This web cam at present does not work on apple anything. It's flash player based.
Conway Scenic Railroad Steam In The Snow 2013 Video and Photo
Yesterday was the "Steam in the Snow" event at the Conway Scenic Railroad. I followed the train and shot some pretty good video along the route. There was quite a large crowd following along as well. It was a pretty nice Day for chasing Trains in the mountains.Here's a photo
Here's the video.
Conway Scenic Railroad Steam in the Snow Event Video from last year
Tomorrow at the Conway Scenic Railroad in North Conway New Hampshire is the annual "Steam in the Snow " special excursion. Last Year I followed the train from North Conway to Sawyer River and return. It was pretty much an all day affair.I will be going tomorrow to video and photograph the event. Here is a video I made of last years excursion..

Rio Grande Southern wreck photos - 1912 - never before published
A friend has allowed me to publish a set of detailed photos from a passenger train wreck on the RGS, on May 17, 1912. Details and a link to the photos are on my timeline page under that date:
The photos themselves are here (but I couldn't fit the full backstory of them - see the timeline above for those details):
J E Henry Railway a Real narrow gauge shortline Video
Yesterday I went to the Loon Mountain Resort in Lincoln New Hampshire to video and Photograph a 0-4-0T wood burning steam locomotive. I planned on making it a day trip which would take Me three hours round trip to drive up plus spend about an hour at the railroad.
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