
ATSF Train #73 Mixed Freight Operations Parts 1 & 2
Usually, I like to run Santa Fe passenger trains, however, this time I will be running a mixed freight train. The train’s number (#73, Westbound) and type (Mixed Way Freight) were borrowed from Chuck Hitchcock’s previous Argentine Division since I had gotten a lot of inspiration from that particular layout in building the N-Scale ATSF Paradigm Division. I did not have any issues when rehearsing this operation but, of course when doing it for record, several things go wrong so most of the bloopers and laughs are left in the video along with using the big hand for uncoupling duties.

The Evil Overlord takes his minons to lunch
"Okay boys, remember - No ketchup on your hot dogs, and no blasters - you can't hit anything anyway and I don't want you scratching my truck."

A question of Scale
I ran across this absolutely delightful essay on modeling scale by Eloise Davies which is worth sharing.....
A bit of background:

Proto 2000 FA1 and FB1 Soundtraxx DCC Install, Lighting and Detailing
I found a set of these Proto 2000 Alco FA-1 and FB-1 in CPR Maroon and Gray in like new condition at Central Hobbies from a collection. They’re still DC.

New House Basement Model Railroad Tour
Recently moved into a new home. The boxes. The stress. The throwing out of things. Moving can be as destructive as a fire.

Varney’s peculiar “L’il Raskal”
Yesterday, I briefly paid visit to an antique store I hadn’t dropped by in quite some time. The prices there can be anywhere from brilliant to horrendous. Generally, if you want to get something for a reasonable price, look for stuff without a price tag on it. Anyhow, while exploring, I came across a little pile of HO trains sitting on a shelf- and since there wasn’t much I’d seen so far, I figured I’d just as well look at them.

Showing off my O scale trains...
Well, you can decide if this is real or not...

"Why is it that"..............................?
Let’s have some fun. Post your own "Why is it that..............?" to share the laughs..........
Why is it that........
-acrylic paint never seems to stick well on brass locomotives but I need to use acetone to get it off my shiny chrome airbrush?
-you crawl under your layout to make some adjustments and the tool you need is sitting on just out of reach on top?
-you can never find your NMRA clearance gauge when you need it now!?
"Dues paid" Model Rail certificate
It's been mentioned a time or two, that "you've paid your dues" as a railroad modeler if you've tackled some project, even if it kicked your asterisk to the curb without breaking a sweat. Two of these, I've had personal experience with, and I'm wondering what other lost cause I might have tried in the past to gain the coveted "Hat Trick".
My "Don Quixote" list so far includes:
The Front Range / McKean 60' Centerbeam Flat Car kit, an ongoing grind...

A Little Holiday Cheer
A Little Holiday Cheer video....
Thanks to Joe and Jeff for allowing me to post this video.
Moderator: Fixed the embed.
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