Rockcity's blog

Homemade Decals + Weathering
New video - Homemade Decals + Weathering

New Facebook Page!
I put up a new Facebook page, so I can keep my model railroad stuff separate from my personal stuff -

Custom signs help make your model railroad unique - See how I do it. In depth tutorial, with step-by-step screen captures. Take a pic of your favorite restaurant, store, street sign, whatever - and put it on your layout!

Making an MOW scene
Moderator note: We prefer videos to be embedded so that our readers don't have to navigate away from the forums.

Homemade Decals
Homemade Decals
Working on two BAEX box cars for US Salt. They just have so much personality. Finally found the Champion Paper decals on eBay, but only enough for one car. I think it was the last set in captivity. So I ordered some decal paper from MicroMark. Scanned the decal at 1200 DPI. Pasted a couple three in Adobe. Printed at 1200 DPI. Gave the sheet a shot of clear gloss. Waiting for it to dry. My first serious shot at homemade decals, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

Layout Tour Part 1 - Finger Lakes Railway HO Scale Layout
Part 1 of a 2-part layout tour - Layout Tour Part 1

Finger Lakes Railway HO Scale Layout
My HO scale Finger Lakes Railway layout. Approximately 16 mile leg from the Himrod NY yard to Watkins Glen NY. We run to Watkins Glen to service the salt companies, and return to the yard a couple times a week. Waiting for my custom-detailed FGLK locos to arrive. In the mean time we are running leased NS power.

A Fugate Riddle
A rancher was having a hard time accessing his fenced-in cattle.
Too Fugates.
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