DCC - Electrical

Athearn Genesis First Responder SD60E w/Loksound

Just installed a 21 pin Loksound Select into this SD60E with an ESU speaker. Easiest installation ever - literally plug and play. Sounds great too. Just thought I'd share.



Mini Panel replacements

Good Morning everyone:

I am in the middle of reading a bunch of articles about using servos to control my turnouts, and I am wondering if there is a way to use arduinos or other things to replace the mini panel -- the mini panel looks great, but I know its kinda expensive, and I'm gonna need several.  So I am looking for ideas.

Thanks a whole bunch



Hi to every model railroader reading this post. I just bought from eBay 2 TOMAR Train Order Board H-845 semaphore signals and the instructions are very summarized and written for someone who is used to wiring this type of semaphore signal which I'm not. This is the model that comes with a double operating mechanism not needing a Tortoise switch motor to operate it I suppose. I am adding some photos to help clarify my post because I'm not sure I was explicit enough and may have led to some confusion.

Rapido SW1200RS and ESU Lokprogrammer

Just got my two new SW1200RS's from Rapido.  They're look, run and sound great.  

But I'm having a weird problem when I try to read the loco sound decoder values into my Lokprogrammer.  The function mapping the Lokprogrammer reads has no correlation to how the decoder functions.  In other words, if I press a function key, it does something different than the function map says.  What it actually does corresponds exactly with the manual, though.

i get the same results for each of the two Locos.

geoffb's picture

SMA29 JMRI Turnout Channels – Direct JMRI to Arduino Communications - Simple Support for Lots of Data Out From JMRI

The Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI) is an elegant but sometimes complex application growing in popularity beyond its fantastic facility to ease DCC decoder setup. It is free, widely used, and readily available. It has capabilities to monitor trains and track to enable control and signal systems for virtually any model railroad layout. Among its basic control elements are turnouts, usually referring to a track switch or set of “points” but in its most elemental form, really refers to a binary switch.

Broadway Limited Keep-Alive

Has anyone tried/had success with installing a keep alive (or current saver, or whatever brand you choose) on board or in the tender? I'm going to be getting an ATSF 4-8-4 P3 soon, and I was wondering if there was a way I could ensure for smooth running and sound over rough spots.


BLI SW7 programming issues

Hello all,

I have an MEC BLI SW7 that I picked up some years ago. It's a Paragon 2 DCC/Sound unit, and it is probably 5 years old now - I finally have a working layout to play with. I mostly run a Digitrax Zeyphr Xtra (DCS-51), with a PR4 USB connection unit, but I also have a Sprog II. Both the Sprog II and the PR4 work perfectly with JMRI (current version, 4.12) with all of my other DCC and SCC/Sound units. I have an Atlas HH600, Atlas GP-40 and Bachmann S-4 with sound, and a variety of no-sound DCC units.

lalobc's picture

NCE Help

I have an NCE Power Cab, and in the main buttons appear one with the "BELL" sign, normally if you press this button you can heard The BELL, instead In my case I heard Coupler clank

I try to fix in CAb Setup Menu, without success, Any rocommendations?




geoffb's picture

SMA28 JMRI Sensor Channels – Direct Arduino to JMRI Communications - Simple Support for Lots of Detectors

There are many applications in animation and model railroading where sensing a position of a loco or car is convenient and essential for operation.  Signaling, actuation, etc. require not only the use of an appropriate sensor but also sensor coordination and communication with some form of model, animation, or layout control.  The Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI) is one such control that I started using early in my animation work, and is free, widely used, and readily available.
joef's picture

RailPro vs DCC

On other thread, quite a discussion about RailPro vs DCC came up.

Rather than hijack that thread any further, let's move the discussion here.

To start with, we'll copy in a few posts to get the discussion going.

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