DCC - Electrical

mecovey's picture

Help With G scale sound

The proprietor of a local restaurant has a DC powered G train scale circling one of the rooms near the ceiling. He asked me for help when the train wouldn't run and I was able to track it to greasy wheels and track. After a thorough cleaning, the train runs OK.

He also has an MK-II Roanoke Electronics sound generator that appears to be 20+ years old which no longer operates. The unit is wired to external speakers. Is anybody aware of an inexpensive sound unit that makes appropriate steam train chuff, whistle, bell etc. sounds? 

New to model trains, wanting to set up for disabled child

I am wanting to get a set up for my disabled child. He has physical as well as cognitive issues. I don’t want to continue to purchase battery operated trains with cheap plastic track that he is unable to manipulate without breaking the tabs. He also has issues with getting the cars to sit on the tracks correctly so that they will run around without falling off. I just need to know a starting point as I have no clue with anything means or what’s available for disabled people in regards to model trains. I don’t understand the difference in gauge, dc, doc power, etc.

skiloff's picture

Using a PR3 with JMRI

OK, so it's been some time since I utilized my PR3.  I know I had it hooked up and running trains on my cell phone using it but I want to confirm with the experts if it will work as a standalone without a Digitrax DCC system, or do you need the command station or just a booster?  I'm guessing you need the command station, but thought I would check.

Intermountain cab forward question

Has anyone installed an Intermountain mother board in one of their dc cab forwards? One of my friends received the parts from Intermountain to convert from dcc to loksound. There was no documentation included. Most of the wiring was straight forward. However, it is unclear where to solder the speaker wires.. And here is the kicker.. Intermountain hasn't answered for requests for this info.. and asking a question on their FB page is a joke.. Bueller?  Bueller?  So...any correct answer as to where to attach the speaker wires?  Thanks in advance..

Frog power

 Hi group

Any tips on wiring the frog on a atlas turnout that is already installed,...thanks

Jim at BSME's picture

Extended: Berrett Hill trains small business Saturday sale

​Berrett Hill trains, a MRH sponsor, is having a 10% off sale of all their in stock touch toggle products.

duckdogger's picture

When Older Locomotives Come Out of The Closet

Older Proto 2000 E-Units Coming Out of The Closet (in a manner of speaking)

These processes have a broad application for whatever older locomotives you might choose to upgrade.

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