Club Home layout or both
Do you belong to a club and have a home layout? If so why? I do and am happy to be doing so. I have several reasons. They are: I can do things in one place I cannot at the other.. The club while very tolerant of everyone had to establish some parmeters. The membership established a New England railroad set in 1985.This allows me to own modern equipment and many New England RR diesels I can’t justify ion my home steam era layout.

Boston area hobby shops or train related things to see.
I am going to Boston in July for a concert. I understand Charles Ro. is in the area. Is it worth a visit? Anything else in the area to see?
The new layout for is live and I've added a forum/community!
Once again we call upon the vast combined knowledge of Modelers. This time in Illinois.
In about two weeks my brother and I are going to take an Amtrak Journey. We will be in Chicago for about 3-4 hours bewteen trains and I was wondering if anyone knows a hobby shop, either downtown or EASILY accessible from a Metra Station that would be convenient to visit. This would be on a Saturday.
I thank you all in advance for your collective wisdom and time.
Espee over Donner

Expert's recomendation on beginner literature
Our club was at the Roundhouse show at the B&O railroad museum this past weekend and we had a gentleman stop by who was brand new to the hobby. We talked with him for a while and he asked, what would be a good overview of the different scales and the related aspects.

A Trip to the Rock Mountain Train Show 2018 (3 March)
I went to the Rocky Mountain Train Show in Denver Today, March 3, 2018. They say it is the "Largest Train Show West of the Mississippi." I really have nothing to judge by. It is big and there are lots of kids. Took a bunch of pictures with my smart phone. Some good pictures, some not so good. Should have taken a better camera. Oh, well...
First picture Just after getting into the main hall:
Controller or phone holder
Well I picked up a DigiTrax wi-fi interface and it's working pretty good.
I upgraded the wife's phone and I'm using her old one as my controller. So I wanted a place to park the phone when not in use and went on a search. Went to the dollar store first and nothing peaked my interest there. Next was Wally World and wandered through kitchen, bath, and sporting goods, I ended up in automotive and came across a nifty little pouch that's supposed to hang from the vent in your car. It's made by Auto Drive. Pics below.

I'm Disappointed
The decision to lock a recent blog due to "... getting a LOT of complaint emails about this thread" is very disappointing. I noticed that there were no complaints IN the blog that had very well thought and apparently accurate information that could be of use to many of us. If it had gone off track into areas that are inappropriate or hurtful, then it could have been controlled and, if necessary, shut down.
But once again ,the need of the few outweigh the good of the many.

Change is hard but can be good
Well as some know I had started a thread on possible switching scales and starting with a TOMA approach.
Quickly a lot of the frustrations that I have been dealing with in the hobby came out in that thread.
I had originally thought I would be busy with work all week and take some time away, but mother nature canceled a job today so I decided it was time to do something.
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