
A Slight Rant on the quality of Menards Railroad Signs
So I recently got one of the menards lasercut railroad signs sadly I have to say I am not impressed, While at first look it was nice one thing that really is a deal breaker for me is the white part of the sign was tape, yup masking tape....
Why would they use that I was wondering if anyone else got one of these and if it is only the C&NW one that uses tape for the white.
Designing a One Town Hawaiian Railway
Inspired by the one town layout concept, I want to explore what can be done in my space using On30 locomotives and rolling stock to represent a very small portion of the OR&L (Oahu Railway & Land Company).
Please share your thoughts and sketches!
I’ve added a “dream space” to keep in mind while developing the first module for future use in a layout. 3/24/18
10/23/18 Updated plan

Lehigh & Hudson River RR flanger
Another project I worked on and is now old Ambroid wood kit for a Lehigh & Hudson River RR flanger.
Follow along as I build this kit from start to finish.

Ridiculous Train Sets
I put this in "Community" as it's about train sets, but not really about modeling so much (unless the blog ends up heading that direction)
But... remember some of the absolutely ridiculous (as in FREEKING AWESOME) train sets in the 80s?
I think Tyco was the king of licensed train sets (heck, the earliest one I've seen was the "Petty Coat Junction" set, which... I plan to someday find! Okay... okay... I already know where to get it... heh)

Request an Article.
I figured I'd start this thread, seeing how MRH is one of the few magazines out there where owner and staff all read these forums. (Let's see Time Magazine take requests!)
What sort of articles would you like to see in MRH?
Personally, I'd love to see some articles on building older kits. Not just structures, but car kits, or loco kits. Like someone take an old kit (eBay find, or the back shelf at the hobby shop) and just do a step by step build. Maybe give a bit of history on who made the kit, when it was availible, and tips on building it.

Grandt Line is closing
I got a tip on Facebook that Grandt Line is shutting its doors. I am trying to get it out to as many places as possible in hopes that someone will pick the line up. It's a loss to model builders.

Modeling the Pre-Depression Years: 1900-1930
Let's talk about modeling in the years before the Great Depression. This blog is an open discussion to assist modelers in understanding prototype railroads and industries so we can better recreate these on our home layouts.
Another missing thread
I seem to be unable to find a recent thread to which I wanted to add something. I posted some photos last night to the thread about simple coal unloading facilities and this morning I can't seem to find it. I tried searching for "coal" but that didn't find it either. Unfortunately I don't recall if the thread was a blog entry or a discussion entry.
Is this another case of a blog entry that was removed by it's initial author or am I just having a senior moment?
Just curious...
Weekly Photo Fun - March 11-17
Rule #1 is annulled this week! Show us your work!
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