Visiting Phoenix Arizona are this coming weekend
Good day
I am traveling to the Phoenix/Mesa Arizona area for some vacation this coming week and I will have some time on Saturday to go see Model Railroads, Train Spotting and or visit some hobby shops. Was wondering if members of this forum might have some suggestions for this traveler from Milwaukie, Oregon.

Quick Introduction...
Hi All,
Been lurking here at MRH for many years and enjoy reading the site. I'm about to start a few different sections of a new layout at home and thought I'd "blog" the updates here since the feedback and interaction is part of what makes it fun. But first I figured I'd do a quick intro of where I came from and where I (think) I'm going. :)

What's Neat This Week...
There hasn't been a podcast in over a week... is everything okay? Was it preempted by the Olympics?
(now I'm imagining Model Railroading as an Olympic sport... I wonder what that would be like?)
Is there a better way to record audio of model trains?
OK you videographers out there - there has to be a way to get better audio when recording model trains with on-board sound. Almost all of the videos that I've watched lately on Youtube or Vimeo have trains that sound like UFOs landing in 1950's science fiction movies.
In person, they sound fine, especially those with the newer speakers, but on video I guess that I'd rather listen to background music.
Ideas anyone?

Question About Layout Project Blogs...
Hi All,
I'm starting a couple of different layout projects in that I'm building for an N Scale focused hobby website I run ( and I'd like to start blogging progress here on MRH. In terms of updates, is it better to break down each post as a separate update? Or to do one large continuous topic where everything is in one place?

V-Scale Help or Hindrance
I have been doing a lot of reading lately from the " One-town layout " topic to " Operations " and " Is Model railroading too expensive ". I did a search of the posts today here on MRH on Virtual Railroading and found quite a bit of information, a lot more than I would have thought. This topic got me to thinking:
Thinking out loud about Club layouts.
In my winter travels, I’ve started to form some very positive views of joining a model railroad club. I’ve had a chance to visit modular (actually moving the layout to shows and back) and permanent (owned layout in a club owned building on its own land) layouts. I’ve been impressed with all the clubs I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. Here are a few of my initial thoughts. For some examples my blog is here .
1st Annual Bridgetown Prototype Modelers Meet
Feb. 10, 2018 had the first Portland Prototype Modelers meet. Over 100 people attended the event, and shared a variety of models. Below the first post, I will add some pictures taken off the Bridgetown Railroad Modelers Page.
If you attended feel free to add your pictures.

DCC Test Track Wiring Question.
I have a question for those with more DCC and electrical/electronic experience then I have.
I have a NCE powercab that I would like to connect to my program track on my modelbench.
Also I have the NCE USB interface I would like to use so that I can download and use JMRI for programming.
And also I would like to set up the Soundtraxx PTB-100 .

Decoder overheat in Penna. Loco Works (Bowser) metal shell
I'm repurposing a cast metal Penna Loco Works FM shell on an Atlas H 16-44 chassis. I've outfitted it with a Loksound Select decoder and two Tony's sugar cube speakers.
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