
John Winter's picture

One Year, Holy Cow!

Tomorrow will be one year since I finished the basement. It's also one year since I started the benchwork. All the benchwork is finished in the 17' X 40' basement. The first town modeled, South Greensburg, has all the track laid and signals working and several of the structures are in place. Youngwood, the second town modeled, is the main yard on the layout. Most of the track and switches are in place but now wired yet.

I'm happy with my progress so far. 

Sugar Beet Guy's picture

What's up With Caboose Hobbies

Does anyone in Denver know what's going on with Caboose Hobbies? 

I got an e-mail from them announcing a "Transition Sale" because the landlord is selling the building. Are they moving?  Dropping the brick-and-mortar format?  What are they transitioning to?

I drove through Denver in April and didn't bother to stop at Caboose Hobbies.  Did I blow my final chance to visit train heaven?

George Booth
Director of Everything, The New Great Western Railway

NMRA Future


This comment has been moved over to the comment thread for Don's editorial:

trainmaster247's picture

Can I Trust Him?

So I talked to Ken Patterson at the convention today (great guy by the way) and he is graciously doing a decoder install on it for me. I am not sure if I should be excited or nervous (I know he won't mess up) as when saying thanks and handing off the neigne he said tomorrow I am going to make you smile. So hopefully he doesn't overdue it.

The engine I got was a Athearn special edition in their scheme from a few years back looked great and was only $40.

Free-Mo Tim's picture

Free-mo at National Train Show in Indianapolis

Good morning all,

Since we are only a week away from the National Train Show in Indianapolis, I'd like to invite MRH members to stop by and say "Hello".

The railroad is comprised of modules from Massachusetts, New Hampshire,Ontario, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Minnesota; all using the Free-mo standard. The green squares are 5ft x 5ft in size. Our space number is L-7010.

pierre52's picture

The NMRA view

The "Letter To The Editor" post garnered a substantial number of replies and a good deal of debate.  While I did not partake in that debate I did follow it with interest as a totally impartial observer.

In my email this morning  I received "NMRA eBulletin July/August 2016.  The Presidents piece made for very interesting reading and I felt, for balance, should be reproduced in full on this forum.  Again, I have no strong feelings either way on this debate.

New Small Layout Scrapbook update available at

It has been a year already, but it's finaly here, a new scrapbook update! I will try to update the website more regularly, but sometimes life get's in the way! :)

You can read it here:

rickwade's picture

Forum Etiquette - please and thank you

I guess that I'm old fashioned, but my parents taught me please and thank you.  So l'll use them now:  Most people do use "please" when asking for help on this forum; however, I see many times where the question is answered and the original poster never even says "thank you".  A little good manners goes a long way! Please think about this when posting!


Virginian & Appalachian Route Map 2.0

Hello Everyone,

After some time spent looking at my existing map and routings of the Virginian & Appalachian railway, I've decided to make some revisions. Some of these revisions involved adjusting existing routes to provide more accurate mileage, however, a large part of the revisions had to do with actually replacing existing routings with new ones. For example, I ended up changing the V&A main-line across the entire state of West Virginia as well as the mountain crossings through the Blue Ridge and Cumberland ranges of the Appalachians. 


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