Who's going to the WGH Show in Seattle?
Well, actually it's in Puyallup, not Seattle, this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at the Puyallup Fair (OK, the Washington State Fair -- I'm a diehard, though.)
Lots of layouts and vendors!
I know of three MRHers who will be there.
A new book on early PA logging.
Pictures are from 8x10 glass plates. Slide 2 of a shay and 12 of a Barnhardt log loader are just great.
From Mystery to History: Pennsylvania’s Bygone Lumber Industry

Uploading multiple images
Is there a way to upload many images all at once? I've been doing it one at a time with the upload tab but that gets tedious with many images. Can I somehow use the file browser to select all the images (like <shift>click) and sit back while the computer does all the work?
I've tried search but I only find the method to do one at a time.
George Booth
Director of Everything, The New Great Western Railway

Layout Visits & Train Shows
Over the last year plus, I have visited various model railroad layouts as well as working at train shows in the Central & South Central portions of Texas. The video (slide show format) is my way of sharing these visits with everyone. Thank you to all of my MRH blog readers & especially for your comments during 2016. I hope that everyone has a Happy "Model Railroading" New Year in 2017.
a ModelersLife
Download the latest podcast at our website:
Kelly Questions - Round 16: Let's not kid ourselves, you've been dying to hear another episode of the Kelly Questions and you've been dying to hear more from our very own Uncle Larry.
Well it doesn't get any better than this, Uncle Larry answers the Kelly questions.
So sit back with your favourite sniffing glue, a bottle of warm cider, a box of chocolates from last year's employee Christmas party and enjoy !!

Trainz Modular Model Railroad
I put together a few modules that follow a standard of Trainz Modular systems they are not my creations but on the DLS following will be some videos and photos
Video of Daylight runby:

Changing Personal Account Avatar
I wanted to change the avatar photo for my personal account and have had no success in doing so. In account edit I check the box to delete current photo and save. Poof. Photo is gone. Check a recent reply to a posting and no associated photo is shown there either. Go back to account, upload "new" photo - save - and the original photo pops up as if it is the default and it's either this or nothing at all. The new photo choice falls within the size guidelines for avatars of 85 x 85 x 100kB.

Room Air Filters
When working on plastic models of any sort I have been using Faller's plastic cement called Expert. Nasty stuff as far as smell goes and not very healthy either. Is there a safe plastic cement?
I can use a fan and blow it all over the house, it's a small house so my wife will really not appreciate it.
So the question is how do the rest of you handle dealing with the fumes? I'm thinking air filter, but what kind? Room size is about 11ft square.
Thanks, Jack
The real costs of doing the hobby?
MODERATOR NOTE: On the December MRH Arduino article comment thread, there was a discussion point made about the "true" cost of the hobby being how much your time is worth - the Arduino might be cheap hardware, but if you spend a ton of time trying to figure out how to program it, time is money, too. So to keep from derailing what was a how-to thread with hobby philosophical discussions, we've moved the most relevant parts of the philosophical discussion here.

What is it with international postage rates?
I recently sent a parcel from the UK weighing 4 kilos (9 pounds) to a friend in the USA for $32.00. It went by UPS and got there in 2 days. This week, I bought three kits and a scale lorry from GCLaser and the shipping was $22.50, which I didn't think was that bad.
I have just checked on the JL Innovative site for a small kit "East Junction Yard Office" and the postage is $10.00!
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