
E Bid site
Has anyone had any experiences on this buying/selling site?
I just received a notice about a large estate sale of brass on this site.

What's on Your Workbench - October 2020
And just like that, it’s October! Let’s see your latest workbench, benchwork, and model progress as we roll through another month.
Tom Millers layouts...
I just watched a video of Tom Miller’s former Big Boy which is now in New Zealand. This made me start to wonder what happened to all his other magnificent models and layouts,along with the 7 1/2 gauge railroad and the property? Does the railroad still exist in any form? What about the smaller scale indoor layouts? I never heard anything after seeing the sales video for his estate that was online a few years ago. Also curious why he liquidated everything,but if it’s a private issue,it doesn’t need to be answered here.
Changes to Fusion 360
As a head's up, Autodesk's Fusion 360 is changing its terms of service (again) for free-to-use hobbyists. If you pay their yearly subscription ($500 per year, $300 on their sale), then these changes will not affect you.
Most of the changes can be found here:

Lets see some grey/overcast sky backdrop
I would like to get away from the traditional sky blue and explore a grey or overcast sky. Anybody that has gone in that direction please share your photos.

What's on Your Workbench - September 2020
Here's the place to share your latest workbench progress as we roll through September 2020. Let's see your latest projects!

Bowling Green Kentucky Train Show - Anybody gonna be there?
Hey guys, just though I'd see if anyone's going to be at the Bowling Green, Kentucky train show Saturday. If you are, come on up and introduce yourself. Will have a "Jacob still plays with trains t-shirt and a Amsoil cap on. Mr. Nolan's even gonna be there too!

Who are the moderators? I would like to ask for their advice before posting.
I have to ask who the moderators of the Model Railroad Hobbyist forums are, as I would like to before posting ask for their advice. I think this is helpful as being a member of the Model Railroader forums, I at times ask the mods at times before posting to make sure what they think?

Please Show Us Your Favorite and most Curious Steam Locomotives
After putting off forgetting to add new entries to the hit "Please Show Us Your Steam Locomotives" series, it is finally time to wrap it up with five new posts. I will add the usual links to these posts and update the "Please Show Us Series home page" later.
>> Posts index

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