
Ongoing, Online - NMRA-x
Gordy Robinson, Martyn Jenkins, and Gert "Speed" Muller, ably assisted by a great many others, have made the NMRA-X series of virtual clinics, layout tours, and panel discussions an ongoing success. So this thread will be for announcing upcoming NMRA-X events.
Online operations game
Hi, I would like to have a fun operations game.
A train is sent into the world. Anyone can pick it up, switch out some cars and send it on with a picture. There is no need to match the equipment being sent, just have some fun.
Please keep the train reasonably short and state your railroad station.
Have fun

What's on your workbench - May 2020
I'll get this rolling with a close up photo of a locomotive I'm doing a First Look on.... until I took a photo, I hadn't even noticed the 74V sign.
Be On the Look Out- Stolen Brass from Just Trains in Concord California
(Updated - I originally had the wrong city- Thanks Rob Spanger for the correction)
Here is a FB post from Just Trains in Concord, California (in the greater SF Bay Area) - They were burglarized early Wednesday morning and at least 12 brass locomotives were stolen. Please be on the lookout for these items showing up for sale on the web, especially e-Bay. Please pass this on.
Lou in California
Here is the post from their Facebook page . There is a photo there.

Browser storage full error -- how to fix!
Problem submitting a posting .... Red Flags keep popping up
"Browser localStorage is full, clear your storage
or increase database size"

Train Museums and Social Distancing
Curious Question... I was sitting here, thinking about the San Diego Model Railroad Museum, and how much track they have... and thinking of my own problems because I let my layout sit for a year...
How are museums around the country (and around the world) dealing with track maintenance during "Social Distancing" while all of the museums are closed?
Are these museums able to get a small skeleton crew in to keep everything clean while the museums are closed?
Going back to paper
Since the lock in has started I have had a good deal of free time, time to also listen to a lot of education lectures etc.
Hello everyone! This would be my first post! My build is a small switching layout serving one customer. Thought I’d share a photo of a CP box car I weathered. Waiting to be swapped by B&M switcher LA-1 local, set in the late 1980’s in Lawrence, Mass. I’m still in the scenery fase and working on other details in between but I definitely need to get started on a backdrop cause it’s hurting my eyes not seeing one lol...Anyway hope everyone enjoys! And Happy modeling!

Microsoft 10 vs 7
I had all those dire warnings about continuing to run 7 on my computer rather than upgrading to 10.
Then I get this in the mail today,..
Microsoft fixes another 113 bugs this month after patching a whopping 115 last month.
This month's updates are a bulky release. The OS maker has made available patches today for 113 vulnerabilities across 11 products, including three zero-day bugs that were being actively exploited in the wild.
Athearn RTR SW1500 RF&P
HI THERE! Does anyone know 1)where I can possibly find an Athearn RTR SW1500 in the RF&P paint? 2) does anyone know anyone who is willing to sell one?
None exist online anymore and I missed the one that was just on Ebay. Does anyone have any suggestions??
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