Model Trains Video
German HO Layout, Pilenium Video
I was just watching a Pilenium Video of an HO Layout in Germany. I noticed that every tie had a raised ear in the center, between the rails.
I spent two years in Germany and have to say that I never noticed a raised ear in the center of every tie on the real German Railway system. When I was over there, we even rode the trains at various times and ended up spending a night in a railway station near Baumholder, Germany. I was amazed that steam still ran in Germany in the very early 1970s.
Virtual Exhibitions
Here in the UK, there used to be one or more exhibitions almost every weekend of the year. Since Covid, a few clubs have ventured into the realms of 'virtual' exhibitions, which has also been happening in the US.
I was recently asked to create a short video of my layout for a virtual exhibition by the Risborough and District MRC. Their 'in real life' exhibition that I was supposed to attend having been cancelled.
Here is the video I created, which may be of interest. I am hoping to be able to attend real exhibitions again in the Autumn.
Brady's Train Outlet unboxing Lionel TILX 30,000 Gallon Tank Cars 3 Pack 6-1926790
Woodland Scenics Segemnts by Miles....
Recently I was catching up on all my TMTV segments, and it here was one by Miles, I Believe, where he was explaining Woodland Scenics Just Light system to someone, and he talked about getting some extra female plugs from Pololu to make our own Expansion adding our own lights already installed o our Layouts. I can’t remember the Part number he stated, nor can I remember the episode he was in. Thought I had added it to my favorites, but alas did not.
Can anyone refer me to the season and/episode that was?
Thanks Much,

First Train over the Mattabesset River
Just (re)installed the bridge over the recently-poured Mattabesset River in my nearly-completed East Berlin scene. Still have a bit of detailing to do, but wanted to be sure everything would still run right! Enjoy!
In need of help
I have done 15 short videos of the layout and wish to share them on this blog. We are having great difficulty with the transfer process. If there is anyone out there that can help us we are greatly in need.
MRH's TMTV Happy New Year SALE ... LAST DAY!
MRH's TMTV Happy New Year SALE ... LAST DAY!
How do we add to our current subscription with the sale prices?
Mushroom Layouts --All at once or one deck at a time?
Joe Fugate & et al,
Running Extreme Trains in Colorado
Check out the Extreme Trains running at the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greeley, Colorado on Ken Patterson's Dec 17, 2018 podcast. Running 11 locomotives and 283 cars for a complete trip around the layout must have been fun. Rob I think you have some catching up to do.
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